Part 3

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~Jacobs POV~

In tribute? I guess is a word i can use, for Jacob being Australian, during his POV's, I will use Australian slang, I understand not many people will know what it means so I will try to add in the meanings before every one of his chapters, here's the one for this one.

A cold one- Beer

"Yes! I mean no! As in, I'm supposed to be here yes but not in this room, I just couldn't breathe, not like in a weird allergic reaction way but more like a well I don't quite actually know I just-" she comes to a stop, and I wonder if I'm managing to hide the disappointment as much as I hope I am.

Her face quickly became a beautiful, poppy shade of red, as she spoke with no second thought.

A few moments ago I was talking to myself in my set room washroom like a chook, I guess the realisation that I'm finally, in a stage of my life where I can produce and direct my own films, finally arrived. I was sweating like a dag when they're about to have their first kiss.

Then I heard faint ruffling, a girl with obsidian hair was sat on my couch, digging her nails in her head, I didn't know if she'd appreciate my sudden approach so I panicked and just spoke.

"Erm, are you supposed to be here?"

The girl shoots up straight and her eyes trap me, like a fish who thinks they've just scored a small meal, then get hooked by the mouth, but rather in this instance? Her eyes have hooked mine, and in this very moment, I believe I've never seen eyes as captivating as hers, even if they're holding tears that are itching to escape and run down her flushed cheeks.

She speaks a chaotic monologue but stops right when it seems she's about to run out of air.

The room grows quiet, I'm frozen, a fish out of water, I almost find it hard to breathe, and i struggle to find my cool as she won't take her eyes off of me.

But she snaps me back to my feet.

"No, I'm not supposed to be here, I'm sorry" she speaks, this time, her voice is cold and hurt.

I'm afraid I've offended her, I want to punch my 2 minutes ago self for allowing "erm" to be the first word spoken between this sheila and myself.


I'm about to apologise for my introduction or more like lack of introduction, but before I manage to gather enough air to speak, her hair twirls behind her as she walks out of my door.

And yet, I'm still frozen, hands in my pocket and body leaning on my wall.

I don't know how long I stay in this position, re-writing every other way that interaction could've possibly played out, that would've been much much better, but my guess is long enough as my phone rings on the coffee table.

It's my crew, I realise that I need to run outside as I'm late to meet the actors and actresses for my film.

Today is the day I need to be present with all my senses, focused.

But when I turn from the hall to the main set room, my peripheral vision instantly recognises the flushed girl with jet black hair sitting on one of the crew chairs, I don't look at her, I can't. I must stay focused and as of now? I don't actually know who she is or why she's here, I know the faces of all who got roles, and she's not one of them, she's also far too pretty to be anywhere else but in a painting or a film.

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