𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Book: Past In The Spotlight

Mode of Interview: Google Forms

Hello Author! How are you?

Hi! I'm alright. How about you? I'm so glad I became part of this interview.

I am good myself! Thank you. Alright, tell us something about your book, "Past in the spotlight"

Past in the Spotlight is my first-ever book written with the help of another author, majestrimeee. It was also my first historical fiction book that sparked my interest more in researching about the history of the Philippines. This is one of the books that I loved to write and I also spent sleepless nights for it.

Is there any backstory for writing this story? Where/How did you get the idea to write a book like this?

The story was originally majestrimeee's and was supposed to be a love story between a Korean and Filipino celebrities. Several months after we met each other on Wattpad, we had a conversation again. On that conversation she came into idea that what if someday we have a collaboration together. As a science major college student, I was really into writing Science fiction. She, on the other hand, wanted to write Historical fiction. 

Then, we formed a unique plot with a unique story. We designed the characters' personality – she on Marianne's and I on Jong's. It was a mix of her optimistic and extroverted, and my mysterious and introverted personality. In short, just like opposite attraction between Jong and Marianne.

It turned out to be a mix of the things we love with romance not really visible (mainly because it's not the main genre hehehe). I was the one to write the Prologue then she edited out Marianne's dialogues. Originally, we planned it to become a vise versa between Marianne and Jong's point of view. Also, she will publish the Book 1 and I'll publish the second.

 However, there came a time that she told me that maybe it would not work out. I thought the collaboration was really over so I decided to remove Marianne's point of view. It was because I couldn't master her personality and I need majestrimeee to be her editor. I feel like she will not be Marianne if she continue to grow on my own hands. Unexpectedly, I became obsessed with historical films when my best friend showed me one. After that night of watching Heneral Luna's movie, I began to watch several historical films like El Presidente, Goyo, Bonifacio, and many more. I had gained a lot of ideas inside my mind because of that. 

I poured my heart and soul researching a lot for our book. I continued, as what majestrimeee asked me. But then, she decided to continue but still, her schedule was loaded with projects of an architecture student. She was older than me and perhaps she was already in her 3rd year or maybe a graduating student. I continued using Jong's POV, deciding that we would use Marianne's POV on the next book. I was the one to finish the first book with her still editing Marianne's dialogue and checking out if I wrote her correctly. The plot went on but I added twists on it as well as her on the last parts of the story. I added the small details that makes the characters step towards the planned plot.

How did you select the title of the book? It's very unique and interesting! 

Majestrimeee was the one to think about the title after we decided that we'll create a historical fiction plus the characters are both celebrities.

Do you face writer's block? How do you cope up with it?

There were times that I experienced writer's block but mostly, the busy schedule I have prevents me more from writing. How do I cope with it? I watch and rewatch shows that gives me inspiration. I also tries to visit places related to my books and also listen to music.

Tell us something about the main characters! Do they relate with anyone in real life?

Like I said earlier, the characters were made by the both of us. She designed Marianne to becone just like her — an extrovert and an optimistic type of person. I was the one who designed Jong who is an introvert and with a mysterious aura. They do relate with our personalities ( ^ω^ )

What is your favorite thing about your book?

My favorite thing about this book is that I can connect to the main character, Jong. Also, history is one of the things that gives me happiness. Whenever I write the story, I feel more happy and my love for history just grows even more. ♥︎♥︎

Why do you think readers enjoy your book

Readers will enjoy this book because it will open their eyes to the history of a country that is very dear to me. It will also connect them between the modern and the traditional world. It contains different languages, a thing that becomes a barrier to us whenever we go into unfamiliar faces. It was also a mix of mystery, a little romance, historical fiction, action, sci-fi, fantasy, and drama.

Do you have any tip for the writers out there?

My tip for them is that they should not give up on their dreams. If they want to write, write. Even though you don't have a lot of readers, write. As long as it makes you happy, write. You may join on book awards, book clubs, or even get a reviewer for your book ♡ Listen to critics. They'll help you become better. Don't overthink. It's part of the process. "Learn from your mistakes." ♥︎

Very well! How do you cope up with your real life work and wattpad work

I am a very busy person and I am focused on my studies. However, I always leave time for me to write. Whenever I have writers block, I take a rest until I find inspiration to write again. It was a little hard for me but writing is my passion and I will not stop until I finally become successful.

How nice! Do you have any message for your readers?

To all my readers out there, thank you very much for supporting me. Most of the time you are silent, but I hope that you are still liking my books. I dedicate my writings to all of you. Without you all, I don't gain more inspiration and perhaps I didn't become what I am today if it wasn't for you. Keep on smiling and may we all fulfill our dreams someday. I love you all. Maraming salamat (Thank you very much)!♡♡

Alright! That marks an end to our interview. Thank you for your time! 

Thank you for the interview as well! Thank you for the opportunity of sharing my voice with others with this as a medium. ( ☆∀☆)

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