Chapter II

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Travis looks around the area after walking as far as possible, hearing his phone go off in his pocket. He finally gets the 'Sorry I forgot to come get you after calling the popo on your dad' message from Phillip, sighing and waiting for the excuse of why he didn't come to go through as well. However, nothing comes after the first message had been sent. He doesn't answer for a few minutes, assuming he is typing, but he has gone completely offline after the first text. He messages quickly back to say it's fine, and he looks around to start walking back - to find that he doesnt recognize the trees or where he is any longer. He looks around for a familiar trail marker he adds along his routes, and none are to be seen. I must've gone off my normal trail... shit. He walks around in the opposite direction he had come, but nothing becomes clear on where exactly in the Nockfell woods he is at. After almost an hour of searching, he grows out of breath, and he finally grabs out his phone. He calls Phillip, skipping past Sal's contact as he does so. The phone rings repeatedly as he brings it up against his ear, and he counts all 5 rings before it goes to voicemail. "C'mon Pip... right when I need you?" he mutters to himself, calling again and it has the same outcome.
    He finally gives up on Phillips' contact, going to Sal's contact and hesitating to call it. He only hangs out with Sal nowadays to figure out the stuff with the cult with him. Not willingly, most of the time, but it is useful to have his company every once in a while to see what to do about the cult. He pushes the thoughts away of what will happen to the cult when his father is in jail, going back to the present. Still lost in the woods. He glances at the phone, pressing the call button and bringing the phone to his ear. One ring, two rings, three rings- "Hello?" he hears Sal's voice sound from the other line, seeming as if he had just woken up even though it is early noon.
    "Hey, Sal. Sorry to bother you or anything, but I got lost on my walk and I'm not sure where I am. Pip won't answer the phone, can you pick me up or something?" He asks, cringing when he hears his own voice echo through the call.
    Sal yawns, and rustling is heard before his voice finally crackles back to respond. "Yeah, sure. I'll have Todd track your location or something. I know the forest by heart by now, and I have my location to Larry either way. I'll come and get you."
    "Thank you, sorry again." Travis mutters, waiting for Sal to end the call before continuing to walk in the opposite direction that he was first walking in, hoping it'll help him get found. Ironic, I didn't want to be found originally but now I have callen someone to get just that.

    Sal gets on his light coat after fighting with it to put it on correctly, leaving the apartments still half asleep as he checks the location that Todd had given him. Just in case, as he walks into the woods, he pulls up Phillips contact labeled 'Philly'. He calls the contact, putting it on speaker phone so he can walk and talk at the same time. He hears the rings play out, each individual time until it goes to voicemail. He doesn't bother to call back immediately, focused on getting Travis out of the woods, and he recognizes right where he had gone off the route. "Jesus, Trav, I didn't know you were this reckless." he jokes to himself, walking off the trail and calling Phillip again after almost 15 minutes.
He finally hears the click of the call going through, relieved that he is okay. "H–hey Sal, what's up? I'm running back from the road I was exploring. I found something odd though." Phillip mumbles, out of breath and wind sounding on the other side of the call.
"Hey Philly. I am getting Travis right now out of the woods. Just checking in on you because he said you wouldn't pick up the phone." Sal explains, finally seeing the purple sweater and bright blonde hair.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just had my phone on do not disturb so I didn't mess up my exploring. I was supposed to be with him after i called the police on his dad–" Phillip says, while Sal walks over to Travis.
Sal stares at the phone in disbelief, not having known that any of the sort was even happening, though pushing that aside as he puts a hand on Travis's shoulder. "Thank god you're alright! You went off the trail. Cmon, we can drop you off at Philly's" he says, and Travis jumps at the sudden hand before relaxing and nodding.
"Okay then. I'll be on my way home then." Phillip says on the call, full of sass as he wasn't told any of that.
"Get over it, you weren't with him through a crucial moment." Sal laughs, leading Travis out of the woods after almost a half an hour.
Travis watches as they exit the woods, passing by his house and looking down. They go past Phelps Ministry, and Sal finally gets off the phone as he walks Travis to Phillip's house. "Make sure you don't get lost like that again. I don't want another call to come play hide and seek with you. Also, tell Philly I said hi once you get inside." Sal says, knowing the route by heart now.
Travis nods, rolling his eyes at when he had mentioned hide and seek. I hadn't meant to get lost. He finally gets to Phillips house, and he and Sal part ways with a simple goodbye. He sighs, putting a simple smile on his face and walking into the cozy house, which was more of a home than his own household ever was.

Word count: 1024 words

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