chapter thirty one

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' ruined for all others '

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3th persons pov



fucking hell.

whatever poison fitted well enough, it didnt matter the term used all that mattered was that no one was safe. 

no fucking one. 

safe to say the marino twins was not thrilled waking up with their love no where to be found familiar rings on their pinky fingers.

carmen nystroms rings. the same one that had always rung around her neck. 

and despite the rings, the girl were nowhere to be found, upon first thought the brothers thought she had been kidnapped. but it didnt take long to realise she had left. 

the fottage of the mansion showing a clear video of her getting into a cap leaving like she didnt care, not looking back. 

'' im going to break her legs i swear to fucking god'' santos seethed as he hung up the phone having sent practically every single mexican and brazilian gang member and mafia man on the search for the small dark haired girl. 

nicolas drowned another glass of whiskey as he leaned back into the car seat hitting the screen seperating the two fo them from the driver '' fucking hurry '' he grunted.

and as soon as the car came to a halt both brothers stormed out. 

they didnt need to knock as rico nystrom swung the door open upon seeing the two brothers at his family home. '' what the fuck are you two doing here and where the fuck is my sister?!'' he roared pointing his gun at nicolas who seemed fumming. 

'' dont play foul boy where is my girl?'' santos gritted out she had to be here right?

she had to be where else would she go than to her family home? she had no where else as harsh as it sounded. the slight panic on ricos face was not unoticed. '' i swear to god you better be playing tricks on me if you lost my sister i will kill you dons or not'' he seethed. 

fuck she wasnt there. the thought struck both brothers as a horrible revelation. 

adrian nystrom stepped outside confused. then anger washed over his face, then worry as he seemed to be searching for his eldest daughter among the two brothers. 

'' where is my daughter?'' he asked dangerously low. 

'' she fucking left, if shes in there just tell us we need to know shes atleast safe'' nicolas said slightly tipsy. 

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