chapter thirty three

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' look alike '

3th persons pov

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3th persons pov.

eden moretti was many things. she was cunning, she was cruel and she was beutiful.

she was hauntingly terrifying. 

she was more powerful than any man before her, her word was law. and anyone who went against her word was as good as dead meat. 

surely eden didnt like manipulating a clearly distressed teenage girl who had no clue what was happeneing around her but what other choice did she have? 

carmen was to much in her head to stop defending her birth mother, not that eden blamed her, no she had been like that too once. 

but now her own mother was dead her blood on her hands, and while eden reconised carmen would not be the same with her mother she knew the fear brimmering withing the nineteen year old.

but daniella garcia was a woman who derserved death and while the words eden spoke. about giving carmen the choice weather to give another chance or not, was a lie. 

she still pitied the girl.

but if she decided to say her mother should live, eden would make it look like daniella never fucking died but rest asure she would torture the monster till her last breath.

'' shes a future marino'' eden commented once having settled the still slight panicked girl in one of the guest rooms. 

'' she seems familiar '' malachai morozova the right hand man of the russian mafia added with a thoughtful expresion on his face. '' too familiar'' he said after some thought.

'' she looks like you'' damian petrov the pakhans younger brothr commented gesturing to eden camly. 

edens head shot up at that claim '' you racist little fucker-'' the words didnt get far before damian raised his hands in surrender cutting her off.

'' i didnt mean it like that eden, i meant like your face you have the same face-'' he took in the look on edens face '' please dont use me as your next punching bag im sorry i'll take it back'' he pleaded with a sheepish smile for a thirty year old man he surely was childish.

'' hes right though my love'' xavier chimed in his arm practically wrapped around his wifes waist permenently. and eden let it rest there as always finding comfort in her husbands touch.

'' so what ? dosnt cahnge anything, shes still daniellas daughter weather she looks like me or not'' eden said with a shrug, mant people looked alike.

but no one dared to mention the scary resemblance the two had. like the way they had the exact same eyes, the exact same manerisms. no one mentioned it.

weather that was for carmens sake or edens sake, no one said either.

but perhaps some things were better left unknown. and maybe the assumption that they looked too alike, was wrong.

maybe it was just a thought, a merely illusion, and maybe there was nothing more too it.

and yet when carmen sauntered into the room as if she had not been a shaking leaf the night before it seemed awfully familiar. like a haunting memory they all had, one of the exact same ways eden acted whenever she freaked out, the day after.

the calmness, the acting as if nothing really happened. the grin that really had no meaning behind it. the way her eyes quickly sweept of the room as if to make sure nothing was there other than the people she had already prepared herself for would be there.

it was like a mirror was being held up to edens face. 

a time retracting mirror, that showed the past version of her atleast. and there stood carmen. '' your starring at me, stop it'' she said calmly.

coldly even.

to similar.

'' you have a big mouth for someone surronded by the russian pakhan and his - what do you call it english ? besties?'' eden taunted softly, no harm intended.

but the way carmen replied made them uneasy. it was to familiar.

'' i wouldnt know im not american after all, you should know that arent you hunting down my mother?'' carmen replied calmly.

'' i am '' eden said with a slight smile.

'' good do me a favor hurry the fuck up so i can go back home'' carmen said bitterly the loss of her beloved marino twins finally setting in for real.

the knowledge that maybe they have her back, maybe they would leave her when she returned, like she had done them, she would return and they would have a new girl.

another to fill her spot.

because after all the thought of her not being special enough to not replace was one that had settled deep within her being. there was nothing special about her other than her sickness, her obession, her fucked up head.

'' yes yes the marinos '' eden said. everyone else was quiet.

watching silently the interaction.

'' your wrong damian, she looks like aspen '' malachai said quietly.

carmen frowned at him confused. '' are you sick ? who the fuck is aspen?'' she seethed thrown of guard.

she was angry, irritated, like an addict who didnt get their fix quick enough.

and i suppose the term fitted carmen too well, she was an addict. but the thing was when you get addicted to people, they are not forced to stay, they can leave, and if you leave even if it is to keep them safe.

they wont stay for you.

you might be obessed with them, and might die without them, but that dosent mean it goes both ways.

and deep in carmes mind she was sure it was one sided.

and unfortunaly she was the addict and not the addiciton.

atleast that was she told herself despite it being wrong. so fucking wrong.

'' my sister, and it dosent matter who she looks like, we're finding daniella and thats it, who knows daniella was big in the busniess before she was busted for murder, who knows how many children shes already got her hands on '' eden gritted out.

'' i agree'' carmen stated.

no one derserved her fate.

no one derserved her past.

her childhood.

perhaps even she-


she had derserved it, she was sure of it.

she had derserved it all.

authors note:

hey my loves. 

how are you liking my book so far? i hope you enjoy it.

im sorry for the iregular updates but im quite busy recently and i find it hard to write some times. again english isnt my first language so that ads to the trouble, when writing sometimes. 

also please ignore the spelling mistakes in my writing, you dont need to comment on it, i wont change it simply because i am too lazy.

so just let it be. 

and just a random question for the day, what is your favorite books?

mine is the song of achilles. 

i fucking adore that book, i swear to god it might be basic to say but jesus christ it has my heart forever. 

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