xiii. vodka, cigarettes and seduction.

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"You get the bottle, I'll get the box, deal?" Wren whispered to Tory as the pair walked past the bar. Aisha had left when she saw Sam walking towards her, Wren asked if she wanted to to stay for backup but Aisha told them not to worry. So Tory and Wren devised their own fun.

"You got it, meet you on the deck?" Tory agreed and the girls split.
Wren's job was easy, it was Tory's she was worried about. Wren was standing on the deck in a minute, she watched Sam and Aisha laugh about something by the food table from afar when Tory came out from behind her, scaring her out of her skin.

"You still jump like a cat." Tory laughed and Wren's eyes skimmed to her bag, which looked considerably heavier, she smiled. "You get yours?" Tory asked and Wren showed her the box of cigarettes she had swiped from an unattended table.

"Would I be me if I didn't?" They laughed and began to make their way over to Aisha. "You ready to meet Sam?" Wren whispered and Tory pulled a face.
"I guess let's find out."

"Hey, look what we got." Tory greeted Aisha, completely ignoring Sam, which Wren found incredibly funny, as she flashed the bottle of vodka and Wren showed them the box of cigarettes.
"They were looking a little lonely so we gave them a new home." Wren joked, causing Tory to giggle.

"Where did you get those?" Aisha asked her friend and Wren made eye contact with Sam, who's disapproving expression you could see from a mile away.
"I swiped it from the bar."
"They were just lying on a table, I didn't even know you could smoke in here anyway." Wren added thoughtlessly.

Aisha and Sam exchanged a worried glance as Wren leaned her arm on Tory's shoulder.
"Oh, relax. All the adults are getting wasted. No one's gonna notice if we have a little fun." Tory told them both and Wren tried to hide her laugh when she saw Sam's face, she knew what she was going to say.

"You should put that back. You'll get into big trouble." Sam told them both and Wren looked over to Tory, ready for an argument.
"And you are?" Tory asked, knowing full well Sam's name but pretended not to.

"Tory, Samantha. Samantha, Tory." Wren chimed in, pointing from one to the other, one death stare from Sam and Wren knew this was going to be fun, "Oh, my mistake, she prefers 'Sam', sorry Sam." Wren added in a playful manner.

"Oh, the Sam." Tory played along, "Come on. Like anyone's going to miss one bottle of vodka."
"Sam, face it, no one is going to notice. half the people in here don't even know how good they have it. We're just having some fun."

"Oh don't even get me started on your idea of 'fun'. I'm sure you actually knew Cobra Kai was going to steal our demonstration, the only reason you and that man you were with came and spoke to Robby and my dad was to throw us off that it was even going to happen." Sam suddenly burst out, making all three of the other girls stare at her in confusion.

"Sam, what are you talking about?" Aisha asked her.

"Wren and her grandfather came and saw us before the performance, I think you knew full well Cobra Kai was going to hijack us. They used you as a distraction because you're the champion, making us think nothing was going on because why would they do it without you? You're their best student."

"Oh, don't stop now, a flush of anger looks good on you, LaRusso." Wren mocked as Sam rolled her eyes, "Did you also miss the fact I got in a fight with Hawk because of that performance, or was that just me?" Wren taunted, knowing full well she was with Robby when he pulled her off Hawk. "You've really changed your tune since I rejected being a member of Miyagi-Do." She added, letting her eyes land on Aisha.

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