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Wren found herself sitting in Johnny and Kreese's office, resting her elbows on her knees and rubbing her palms together in front of her.

"You did well today." Kreese's voice told her from the doorway, she didn't look up right away, she shook her head slightly before looking up at him. Kreese made his way to sit behind his desk. Wren knew Tory and Miguel were in the back room, training together, she was pretty sure they were a thing now and she was happy for both of them.

She really was, she was glad Miguel was finally over Sam and Tory deserved someone to make her happy, Wren knew how much Tory had on her plate with her brother and her mom, she needed a break and Wren believed Miguel would make her happy.

"Thank you, sensei." Wren answered, leaning back in her chair.
"I asked you in here because I wanted to tell you how impressed I was with your progression." He told her and Wren couldn't help but smile softly, a small sarcastic smile.

"I'm pretty sure you're the only one who is..." She told him plainly and Kreese leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the desk.

"Why is that?" He inquired.

Wren licked her lips slowly, trying to conjure the correct answer and noticed that her leg had been bouncing softly, she stopped it.

"I want to fight." She said firmly and it was true. "I don't want to be accused or have my loyalty questioned... I want to win." She told him and Kreese smiled at her. A sharp smile.

"So do those things, you proved today you have it in you... What is stopping you?" He asked her, seeing the ambition blaze behind her eyes.

"Did you see how they looked at me today?" She shook her head lightly, "They're afraid, worried the next person I snap at will be them and the scary thing is that I can live with that." She paused, "I used to be so sorry for the people I hurt whilst I was fighting... But now, now I realise they walk into the fight too, it's not just me. Why should I apologise for what I do? No one apologised for making me this way... A fighter I mean..."

"Again, I have to ask... What is stopping you from winning, Evans?" Wren didn't answer... "Who do you want to be?" Wren looked up at him, confused, "The person who did what was needed to win, even if it comes at a small price. Or, the one who is horrified at the price you have to pay... Is one allowed to forgive the other?" Kreese asked her and Wren cocked her head slightly.

"Which are you, sensei?" She asked Kreese let out a loose chuckle.
"I think you know the answer, Evans... Power belongs to those who take it and we have to fight to hold onto it. I can live with that. Can you?" He asked and Wren didn't reply.

After training, Wren didn't know why, actually that is a lie... She was standing outside of Miyagi-Do because she wanted to see it for herself. She wanted to see what she had been accused of doing to Miyagi-Do. She needed to see what had happened.

Wren walked around the side gate and saw the destruction, potted plants knocked over, trash scattered around, toilet paper thrown across tree branches. She took a sharp breath.

Wren was stood still, gazing out at the scene when someone walked out onto the deck and saw her. Wren heard them coming, she could have turned around. But for some strange, unexplained reason, she stayed.

"Get out." Sam ordered, Wren snapped her head to see her facing her about two meters away. "Get out, Wren."
"What happened?" Wren breathed and Sam could only scoff.

"Don't you dare act all innocent. You did this. You did this!" She shouted and Wren clenched her teeth.
"Sam, I know we don't see eye to eye," Sam scoffed again, shaking her head, "But you have to know, I would never, never do this..." Wren tried to reason but Sam didn't want to hear any of it.

"Did you sell Mr Miyagi's Medal of Honour? I bet you did, didn't you?" Sam spat, taking a few steps towards her and Wren shook her head.
"Are you not listening to me? I didn't do this!" Wren shouted back, Sam was still walking towards her so Wren took another step into the destroyed garden so she couldn't be cornered by the gate.

"So why did you come back? To see what you had done in daylight? To see how we were reacting to your handy work? Huh?" Sam's words were cold, steady and loud. Wren let her eyes skim up to the house where all the students who had left Cobra Kai stood, watching them. Robby wasn't there.

"I came here because I had to see it for myself! Your dad made quite the show this morning and I wanted to see what I was being accused of." Wren told her, "I wanted to help clean it up!" She blurted suddenly and Sam didn't respond. "I wanted to help, Sam, is that really so hard to believe?" She asked, angry and breathless.

"Yes." Sam snapped at her, raising her fists. Wren shook her head, she wasn't going to fight Sam, not here, not now. Not like this. She looked up to the house again and instead of seeing just the Cobra Kai's turned Miyagi-Do's, she saw Robby... Still and blank and he watched Sam get ready to fight.

Wren gave him a look of pleading but Robby didn't move. And it clicked in Wren's mind... He really believed she had done it. Worst of all. He didn't step in to help her. He didn't protect her.

He wouldn't protect her.

Wren tore her eyes from him and let them fall back to Sam, who was in a fighting stance.
"Sam, I'm not going to fight you. I'm telling you the truth, I didn't do it!" Her words reached Sam but she didn't listen. Robby saw the look on her face but he couldn't deny it. Wren had gone too far.

Sam yelled as she struck Wren's midsection, she blocked it. "Sam, stop!" Wren yelled.
"Why? Scared?" Sam retorted, clenching her teeth and extending her leg, trying to hit her shin but Wren moved first. "Just a scared little snake, admit it!" Sam shouted at her and just like that... Wren had no choice.

Sam kicked again but Wren grabbed her leg, she pulled her round and Sam toppled over, Wren advanced and moved to strike Sam's stomach but she rolled away on the grass.

Sam grabbed Wren's arm and twisted but Wren used her other hand and gripped Sam's wrist, pulling her off her and instead of backing away, she elbowed Sam in the chest. The air was knocked out of her and Wren turned, spinning on the left foot and kicking her in the stomach.

Sam fell to the floor and gasped for breath, Robby made his way down the steps and strode over to where Sam was sitting on the grassy, her hand pressed to where Wren had struck her chest. Robby crouched, placing both his hands on her shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked Sam gently and Sam nodded, her eyes suddenly shifted from shock to anger. Robby grabbed Sam's arm and helped her to her feet, still holding her, her turned his attention to Wren who was staring at Sam. Her eyes wide and unblinking.

"You need to leave." Wren flet her chest tighten at his words... She felt her left foot step back no matter how hard she felt the urge to stay. She needed to stay- to make this right, but how could she when everything thing she had to say they brushed off without a second thought.

"Robby..." Wren said, her voice low and flat but he shook his head, taking a step towards her, placing himself between her and Sam.

"You've done enough... Go."
And she did.

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