xxxv. recruitment.

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Johnny sauntered down the hallway like he had done hundreds of time- well, when he was in high school. When he spotted Miguel, he gently thumped the locker next to his, catching his attention.

"Sensei?" Miguel turned his head to look down the corridor before turning back to Johnny, "How did you get through security?"

"I went to school here. Think I don't know all the secret ways in?" He replied, as if it was obvious. "Hey, got some good news." He paused, "I found us a pretty sweet spot for our new dojo." He said and Miguel's shoulders dropped.

Appart from receiving lots of 'welcome backs' and 'glad to see you again's from other students. Miguel had been spreading the word to other Cobra Kai's about Johnny's new dojo, in hopes that they might join. He had spoken to pretty much all of them, Hawk included.

All... Expect Wren.

"Yeah?" Miguel asked, hopefully.

"How's recruitment coming?" Johnny asked and Miguel promptly shut his locker, turning to walk away and Johnny followed, "That bad?"

"It's just that everything's changed, Sensei." Miguel paused, trying to find the right words to explain, "Cobra Kai, they... They all drank the Kool-Aid." Johnny cocked his head as they continued to walk.

"Kool-Aid? What's wrong with Kool-Aid?"

Miguel sighed and stopped to face his teacher, "It just... Sensei Kreese is turning them into an army of assholes. There's no convincing them to leave."

Johnny paused, his eyes skimming to the group of his ex-students lingering down the hallway, "You speak to all of them already?" He asked, Miguel nodded, following his eyes, "Even Evans?"

Miguel felt his breath get caught in his chest and cleared his throat, pushing away the thoughts and harsh words that had been exchanged not even 20 minutes ago.

"Yeah, I spoke to her." It wasn't exactly a lie, "She's set on staying." Miguel told Johnny, though he hadn't asked, Miguel was certain he was right- In his mind, Wren was their leader through and through.

Johnny nodded, he knew Miguel and Wren weren't on good terms. He didn't need to be told that- he gathered that her hiding his almost killer would have been rough for them both.

Though he didn't tell Miguel, Johnny was glad she did because Johnny loved his son, though he knew how that would go down with Miguel so he kept his mouth shut.

"Wait here." Johnny told Miguel and headed off down the corridor to try and persuade his former students to join his new dojo.

Johnny left the school feeling elevated, hoping his message carried through to them. But he could only wait and hope that they turned up to training, until then there was nothing he could do.

Looking down at his phone, he made his way down the path and out of the school when he heard someone clear their throat- not a cough, but as if someone was trying to compose themselves.

As if someone was trying to pull themselves together.

Without thinking, he pocketed his phone, sliding it into his jeans and stuck his head around a small wall of what he remembered being the Biology block to see Wren sat on the floor, her elbows on her knees and head leaned back.

Her eyes were rimmed red; she had been crying.

Johnny licked his lips, glancing at his feet before clearing his throat, "Hey, kid." He said gently, making her jump ever so slightly as she fixed her teary eyes on him, Johnny took a few steps closer. "Rough day, huh?" He joked, sliding himself down the wall to sit beside her.

Wren shook her head, "You don't know the half of it." She uttered breathlessly, pulling her sleeves over her fingers and wiping the edges of her eyes. "Everyone is either terrified of me, hates me or doesn't know me." She told him, pausing, "Except Demitri but I couldn't find him..." She shook her head once more, pushing away the memory of his expression as he fled the cafeteria.

Wren sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve gently, "What are you doing here, Johnny?" She asked, her voice firmer.


Johnny, not Sensei.

"I came to recruit for my new dojo." He answered her, keeping his eyes trained forward, "I was hoping you might join too, Miguel said he spoke to you."

Wren let out a breathless sigh, her lungs feeling heavy in her chest, "Oh, yeah... He spoke to me alright." Wren pressed her palms to her head and leaned away from the wall, "He needs space from me and I'm happy to give it." She paused, "If I were in his shoes, I would hate me too."

Johnny didn't argue with her and yet something twisted in his chest, "I'm grateful..." He offered, dragging his eyes away from the space in front of them to meet Wren's face, "...That you helped him, Wren. I truly am." Johnny told her, and she knew in an instant he was talking about Robby.

These were things he had wanted to say to her ever since he and Daniel confronted her on the streets two months ago- he was thankful she helped him. Nothing could change that- not even Miguel.

"You and I both know he hasn't always had people there for him. And we both know he doesn't want me back in his life but even if he doesn't want me... I'm glad he has you."

Wren swallowed, her throat like sandpaper and yet something in her stomach eased. The strain she felt in her shoulders loosened and the coil in her chest lost its tension.

It meant a lot to her, hearing those words... Especially from Johnny as she could tell he meant it.

Ever since the fight at the school Wren had been struggling, wondering if her thoughts could ever pull or strain in a way that didn't hurt- but hearing Johnny say he was thankful, grateful... It dulled that strain.

Wren pulled those very thoughts together and her mouth eased into a smile, "He's okay you know..."

"...I don't know... I haven't been to see him." Johnny sighed, "I was meant to visit him three weeks ago but I missed the appointment because I was with Miguel in the hospital." Johnny shook his head, "He hasn't agreed to see me since." He took a long steadying breath. "What makes you think he's okay? I've gathered you've been to see him but I don't think anyone would be okay about being in juvie."

"I've got a friend in there, Will, who's looking after him." Wren said and Johnny couldn't help but smile too, "I asked Will to look out for Robby, I trust Will with my life, I know Robby is just fine."

Johnny didn't know what to say. Should he ask questions? Who is Will? What did he do to get thrown in juvie? Does Wren trust Will with Robby's life though?

And yet, despite Johnny's sudden race of adrenaline and relief, all he could manage was: "Thank you."

And that was all he needed to say for Wren to feel slightly whole again, even if it was only for the rest of the afternoon.

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