Ch. 3

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Winter's PoV:

I walked into history. Qibli was sitting with Moon, AGAIN. I was mad at Qibli because he IGNORED ME. One time, I asked Qibli if he could hang out with me later, AND HE IGNORED ME. And the fact he was talking to MOON made Me even more angry. I sat as far away from Qibli as possible. Which wasn't far because the history room was small. Moon also looked grumpy. I really wanted to sit next to her, but I could not. SINCE QIBLI WAS THERE. "Everything ok, Winter?" Lynx asked Me. "Yeah I FINE." I said as sarcastic as I could. Lynx looked worried. "I am actally fine, Lynx. Don't worry about me." Winter scoffed. "Alright, if you say so." Lynx didn't talk to Me for the rest of the day. Once school was over Qibli came to Me. "Winter, why are you a grumpy-pants" Qibli teased. I was not in the mood. "WHY DO YOU CARE?!?!" I yelled at him. Everyone outside looked our way. "I want to know if you are ok!" Qibli replied "Why are you yelling?!" "BECAUSE-" "Winter! Why are you yelling at Qibli?!" The voice Winter hated to hear right now shouted. Moon ran over with Kinkajou by her side "Qibli, what did you do?" "I swear I did nothing!" Qibli replied to Moon. "HE IGNORED ME FOR DAYS!" I shouted at Moon. I didn't even care that I was yelling at her. "Winter, did you ever think that he didn't hear you and he was busy?" Moon asked Me. "no..." I mumbled. Moon sighed "I wish you guys got along like you used to." Moon took Qibli's hand and walked away, leaving Me in my own guilt.

Glory's PoV:

I hid. Kestrel was here. Deathbringer looked calmer then I felt. The blood boiled in my body. "I need to talk to Clay. It will be a Quick chat and it won't hurt anyone." Kestrel said. I knew it was the time. I came out from where I was hiding. "Stay away from us Kestrel. Or you WILL be sorry." I wanted to shoot venom at Kestrel's so bad. But I kept still. Listening. Peril jumped at Kestrel. She stayed still. Not moving. Waiting. "Oh, Glory. So foolish of you." Kestrel spoke. "Of what? Chaining me up? I've changed, Kestrel. You don't know who I am." I replied "I'm not scared." "Oh, I know you aren't." Kestrel gave a grin which triggered Deathbringer "DON'T COME NEAR GLORY." Kestrel sighed. "You really have no idea. Now, Clay, let's. go." Clay started to walk, but Peril stopped him. I could not hear their convasation, but Tsunami could. I'll ask her about it later. But Clay contiued walking, now in the mist. "no....." Sunny cried. A new voice said "Hi Glory." But I KNEW who it was. "Whirlpool" My teeth cracked when I said that, and Tsunami whipped back at me, then to the black-hooded figure. "WHIRLPOOL??" I sighed and ran to flip the hood back. But it was not Whirlpool... it was Ex-Queen Scarlet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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