This is only gonna be one chapter I am allergic to multiple chapters,,

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To my friend

Overstimulating, mindless drinking at a bar with shitty party music that went out of style 5 years ago. That often described the dates between Wallace and his boyfriend, Scott.

Unlike most, Wallace wasn't there to enjoy a "date" with his boyfriend. He mostly dated men for the added benefit, that all men with even an ounce of attraction to him would buy him whatever he wanted with a little bit of flirting. Wallace was a user, often comforted by a strange indescribable feeling of being so in control of his partners. As the beat from the song thumped through the room of drunkards, he could see Scott turn to him out of the corner of his eye, mouthing something Wallace didn't quite pick up on.

"Come again?" Wallace asked, rubbing the glaze that seemed to come over his eye out of nowhere. He hadn't realized he'd been staring at the wall this long.

"I said I have two tickets to the play tomorrow!" Scott yelled over the music, his voice more tipsy compared to his usual one Wallace noted. However he didn't seem to remember this play Scott was talking about, taking another drink before saying,

"Oh right... what play was it again?"

Scott seemed to frown at his boyfriend's lack of care.

"Little Shop of Horrors! Come on Wally I've been talking to you about it all week. It's about-"

When he started his explanation that's where Wallace stopped paying attention. His vision seemed to go too fast for his brain to comprehend, not recalling standing from his seat with Scott's arm wrapped around his. He didn't remember walking through the cold Toronto night to his apartment, he didn't remember being pushed against the wall and explored with kisses. Thank god his roommate wasn't there as he lay down with his boyfriend. The pleasant feeling the alcohol gave was all too good, neurons scattering with feelings and sensations. But something ruined their moment together.

A scalding sensation sent warnings from his hand to his brain as he looked up.

Wallace had spilled coffee on his hand. Tears involuntarily pricked at his eyes. Oh, right, he was reliving the memory of the night before. Cussing at himself for his ignorance he went to the sink to pour cool water over the sensitive burn. Scott had already left by the time Wallace was awake, and his mind still seemed to be moving slower than his body was.

Once Wallace composed himself, he wiped up the spilled coffee and brought a cup to his lounge chair, where he began reading the paper. Wallace had woken up around noon that evening with a splitting headache from the hangover. His coffee addiction both helped and made the recovery of it worse. Wallace noted the time as he sat down with the paper, 1 PM, an hour later than yesterday. He sighed, adjusting his glasses and reading the headline; Lucas Lee set to film in Toronto in the coming month!


"Before you hear some dirty lies from someone else, yes, I'm dating a 17-year-old." Wallace's roommate, who coincidentally happened to share a name with his boyfriend Scott, announced as he hung up his coat and took off his shoes. Wallace had known about Scott's plan to date someone, most likely to fill the hole that his ex left in him. However, he'd not expected Scott to stoop so low as to date a high schooler. Wallace attempted not to act phased as he continued to look at the paper, which was from a week earlier since he'd already finished reading today's and yesterday's.

"Aww, is he cute?"

"Haha..." Scott sarcastically laughed, making his way from the coat hanger to their shared storage room

(Wallace Wells x Matthew Patel)Where stories live. Discover now