so tight

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"This is good" Tàehyung muttered taking a deep breath with his eyes closed.

As he's enjoying his alone time in there he failed to notice a tall figure standing by the doorstep

"You look more tempting like this" he whispered wrapping an arm around Tàehyung's waist before pushing him towards the wall beside caging him in between the wall and his body

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"You look more tempting like this" he whispered wrapping an arm around Tàehyung's waist before pushing him towards the wall beside caging him in between the wall and his body.
"Jungkòok" Tàehyung yelped as soon as e felt himself getting caged.
"Damn I have missed this voice," Jungkòok said nibbling the end of his ears which made Tàehyung audibly gulp.
"Yes baby" Jungkòok started leaving feather like kiss starting from his ear to neck sucking a few parts leaving small unnoticeable hickeys.
"I wish I could take you home and tie you up"
Tàehyung moaned at the image of him being all under Jungkòok's mercy.
"I-I would love th-ahhh" before he could even finish he felt Jungkòok hands slipped into his bagging pants squeezing his fat ass.
"Damn Tàehyung," he said turning the latter around pressing his face against the wall.

Jungkòok slowly pulled his pants leaving him only in his boxers or more like boxer like panties

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Jungkòok slowly pulled his pants leaving him only in his boxers or more like boxer like panties.
"Shit" Jungkòok cursed massaging two globes making Tàehyung's breathe hitch.
"Where the hell did you get those from?" Jungkòok asked landing spank on one making Tàehyung yelp in surprise.
"Jimin gifted meh ah fuck!" Tàehyung gritted out feeling another spank land on the other one. Jungkòok eyes darken watching the perfect ass jiggle.The panties were just a pathetic excuse for covering something that he could clearly see.
Jungkòok matched before ripping the panties off.
"Jungkòok! My p-"
"Trust me you won't be needing them" with that he pushed the remaining pieces inside his pocket before pushing his thighs apart making the cold air hit his drenching holes.
Tàehyung face reddened when he felt slick running down his thighs.
"You are already leaking princess" Jungkòok mocked before collecting the slick in his hands to use it as a lube.
He went down to his knees watching the omega's pussy clench on nothing this made him let out a growl.
"Jung-ahhh! Wai-ohhhh" Tàehyung let out a choked moan when he felt three fingers shoving up his pussy.
"Fuck you're still loose from last night huh?" Jungkòok said playing with his clit which made Tàehyung's leg wobble from pleasure.
Jungkòok just smirked feeling more slick gush out of the cunt drenching his fingers.
He pushed the fingers deep which made Tàehyung bit his lips.
"Oh GOD KÓO-AHHH" Tàehyung screamed when felt Jungkòok's fingers abusing his g-spot whilst playing with his clit. As he's about to get used to the pleasure he felt the other retracting his fingers which made him whine.
"Turn around" the Alpha ordered which made Tàehyung immediately obey.
He looked up to see Jungkòok eyed his pussy which was drenched in slick this made him quickly try to cover up but was halted by Jungkòok.
"Don't touch what's mine" he warned before falling on his knees so that he could come face to face with the leaking pussy.

"Don't touch what's mine" he warned before falling on his knees so that he could come face to face with the leaking pussy

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He slowly pushed open the two swollen lips of the cunt only to watch the small hole clenching as if inviting him to do something to it.
"I hope you could walk by the end of the day" with that Jungkòok leaned forward to push his tongue inside the hole immediately feeling the walls clenching around him making him let out a groan at the sensation. He quickly started tongue fucking the other feeling the taste of slick in his mouth.
He kept pushing his tongue inside and out abusing the omega's g-spot while playing with his clit. He took the clit in his mouth sucking it, slightly pulling it before releasing sending a sense of pleasure in the omega's system.
Jungkòok slowly detached his mouth from the latter's pussy watching the abused cunt leaking more slick.
"You know what I love about you?" Tàehyung frowned at the sudden question.
"Cuz you always seem to amaze me by being already," Jungkòok said circling the small hole whilst nibbling his clit.
"Ahhh Jungkò-other plea-pls" the omega whined.
"What do you want Tàe?"
"I-I ah cock yo-mph" Tàehyung stuttered miserably making Jungkòok chuckle.
"You want my cock in here bby?" Jungkòok asked innocently slipping a finger inside before quickly taking it out watching a string of slick that ooze out of the cunt.
Tàehyung nodded which only earned him a slap on his pussy.
"Words omega" Jungkòok ordered softly massaging the cunt making Tàe whine.
"Plea-ahh Koo!"
Jungkòok smirked watching the omega begging before him to get his dick. He stood up unbuckling his pants in the process freeing his cock which was already leaking.

 He stood up unbuckling his pants in the process freeing his cock which was already leaking

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"There you go slut! Show me how much you want it" Jungkòok whispered in Tàehyung's ear which made the omega bite his lips.
He slowly took the cock in his hand pumping it a few times before slowly bringing it towards his gaping hole.
"Hurry slut, can't wait to fill ur tight hole" Jungkòok spanked his ass hard which made him jerk forward accidentally pushing the cock in-between his pussy lips which made their breathe hitch.
"Ahhh-fuck! Koo!"
"Fuck it!" with that Jungkòok pushed himself inside the latter groaning at the sudden tightness.
"Oh, God! Tàe you are still so tight"
Jungkòok growled.

"Oh, God! Tàe you are still so tight" Jungkòok growled

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Part 2 to be continued..... ✨✨✨✨

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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