❪ 019 ❫. the return of john murphy

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019. the return of john murphy

  the return of john murphy

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QUINN BIT HER BOTTOM LIP AS SHE SURVEYED THE DESTRUCTED AREA THEY STOOD AMONGST. The crash site was far worse than she imagined it to be. Burnt bodies staunch the air, the debris and dust covering every aspect of the place. As much as the smell was revolting, Quinn crouched by the bodies she found, attempting to find any particular sight that would give her an idea of who it was—or who it wasn't.

However, as she was sure she checked everybody her eyes laid upon, none held a distinct mark identifying the person. Quinn would never know whether her parents were a part of the crash, but without getting into contact with the Ark as it was radio silent on their end, there was no telling in knowing. The Exodus ship was said to hold members of the council, and although her mother was a healer, she was bound to be on that ship. And with her father on the Guard, he was granted a spot.

Countless possibilities rummaged through her head. A poor attempt at trying to find a way that her parents wouldn't be on that ship as they were said to be. But every time she strained her thoughts on the topic, her head began to ache just as much as her heart. She ignored the murmuring and calls of the others in the area, such as Bellamy and the gunners that came along in case a Grounder was to attack.

Quinn glanced at Clarke, examining the blonde's expressions. Although, there wasn't a look that Quinn could read plastered on her face. The McKenna girl just had to hold onto whatever hope she could conjure up left, praying that her parents were still on the Ark, and found a way to come down and join her on the ground.

Kinsley was the first to notice the brunette standing away from the others with no form of protection on her. The West girl checked over at Bellamy and the others as she tightened her grip on the gun strapped against her frame, observing their surroundings. "Quinn!" The girl called out, seemingly not catching Quinn's attention. Or, as Kinsley thought, she was ignoring her. "Hey," she said, gripping the girl before she ventured too far out of sight. "If you go too far and a Grounder attacks, we won't be able to help you."

Quinn didn't say a word, her eyes expressing a tiredness that Kinsley had never seen before. It looked as though the girl was drained of all her energy. The light that once brightened the McKenna girl's eyes had dimmed. Kinsley sighed, knowing the impact of losing a parent. Or in Quinn's case: parents. It wasn't easy. She sympathetically pulled the girl back to the area where the others were covering, keeping a gentle grip on Quinn's arm.

Quinn nonchalantly allowed the girl to lead her to the middle of the site, watching as Raven held a cup over a substance that was unusual to the brunette. However, she paid no mind to it, walking away from Kinsley and over to Bellamy's side. He had seen her before she began walking up to him, holding his breath as he saw the grieving look plastered across her face. "We should go back now," Quinn lowly spoke.

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