-Chapter 3-

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Together with Caesar I walked into the with smoke filled classroom. I looked around, there were already some aviators. I could feel their eyes on me. A confident smile was on my face. Didn't expect a woman, assholes? I noticed two guys in the front talking about manoeuvres seen the movements they were making with their hands. 

No way, Nick Goose Bradshaw. That dude. Excitement filled my body and I walked over to him sitting down behind him, Caesar sitting next to me. I tapped on his shoulder, making him turn around. 'Good morning.' I said with a grin. His jaw dropped. 'No way.' He shook my hand. 'Louisa Aspari, never thought I would see you again.' He said with a huge smile. 'Same for you Nick.' A bright smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

I looked at Caeser who seemed confused, 'This is Goose an old friend of mine.' I said introducing him. Nick held out his hand and Caesar shook it. 'Caesar, but callsign is Salad.' He said, embarrassed of his callsign. 

I looked at the guy sitting next to him. He had a arrogant smile on his face, dark hair and a good jawline. 'What's your name.' I asked him. 'Maverick.' He replied, but before we could continue out conversation a officer walked into the classroom. He seemed to be about fifty years old and had a stern look on his face.

'Good morning gentlemen, my name is Jester, I will be one of your instructors.' He started, while closing the blinds and starting a video. I hate being addressed to as gentleman but it's something I unfortunately have been gotten used to. 'During Korea, the navy kill ratio was 12-1. We shot down twelve of their jets for every one of ours.' He started explaining.

'During Vietnam the ratio fell to 3-1. Our pilots became dependent upon missiles. They had lost some of their dogfighting skills. Top Gun was created to teach A.S.M. Air Combat Maneuvering. Dogfighting.' I looked around the room full of men, observing the company. 

My eyes fell on a blond guy sitting on my left, I hate to say it but he was hot. He was spinning a pen in his hand, he has good hands. I sighed at my own thought, I shouldn't think like that. He turned around, his bright bleu eyes meeting mine. A grin spread across his face and he couldn't resist the urge to wink at me. I rolled my eyes at him while my cheeks heated up slightly and shifted my attention back to the instructor.

'By the end of Vietnam the ratio was back up to 12-1. Blinds please.' He instructed. 'Now I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our Commanding Officer at Top Gun. The first man to ever win the Top Gun trophy. You will not find a finer fighter pilot anywhere in the world. Commander Mike Metcalf, callsign Viper.'

With that everybody, including me, turned around towards the entrance of the room as the commander walked in. 'Gentlemen.' Viper began, before his eyes landed on me. 'And lady.' He said with a slight smile. I noticed that everybody was looking at me now and shifted uncomfortably in my seat. 'You are the top one percent of all Naval aviators. The elite. The best of the best. We'll make you better.' He began, taking everybody's attention away from me.

'You'll fly at least two combat missions a day, attend classes in between and evaluate your performance.' I looked over at Caesar, who smiled at me. 'Now each combat sequence you're going to face a different challenge.' As he continued I noticed that the friend of Goose, Maverick, was eyeing the competition, probably wanting to know who the best is. 

'Every encounter is gonna be more difficult. We are going to teach you to fly the F-14 right to the edge of the envelope, faster than you have ever flown before, and more dangerous.' I raised my eyebrow at Caesar who just rolled his eyes at my action, but he did it with a smile. 

'We don't make policy here. Elected officials, civilians do that. We are the instruments of that policy. And although we are not at war, we must always act as though we are at war. The tip of the spear best be sharp.' I have to admit, he has a good way with words.

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