Vs Krieg! Wrath of a Queen

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"Ghin…you chose the wrong man to follow!" said Sanji as Ghin was still reeling that Luffy's sea king saved him. Krieg heard what the blond boy has just said and laughed.

"You! Are you sympathizing with my little scumbag?"

"Scumbag?" Luffy cooly asked in a low tone.

"Exactly! An idiot, who refuses to obey my orders without the thought of the consequences, is worthless to me and my Crew. Killing him is an act of mercy to keep him from dishonoring himself to me, and to my Crew." once he clarifies his statement with a devilish smirk, his Crew was stunned.

Some even whispered for as long they remember; Ghin was the one who did his hardest for his Captain even going so far to abandon everything for Don Krieg after they escaped from the Grand Line and got chased by Fullbody. He acted as a decoy dressing into Krieg's attire into thinking he's Krieg while his ship carries his Crew and his Captain to safety.

It only made Luffy madder.

She nodded at Gyarados who used Hydro Pump on the platform where Krieg is catching him off guard.

Then Luffy charged off on the broken mast in the falling water.

Despite Sanji yelling at her to come back, Luffy ran on.

"If you want to shoot me, then give me your best shot!" she taunted Krieg.

"Foolish girl! Still trying to get through knowing your putting yourself at risk, I won't damage you since I'll be taking you, but I will have to break you!" he then throws tiny bombs in the ocean, and it exploded blocking her view.

The Krieg Pirates see the girl stood no chance against Krieg as she charged in a giant column of water; Krieg smirked as she fell right to his trap. Then he fires out his Needle Machine Gun from his shoulder plate and the needles are capable of skewering wood and flesh but Alcrieme blocked them with Protect. Krieg then saw Luffy unharmed and burst out of the water pillar and still charging at Krieg.

"Prepare yourself, tin can" she exclaimed as she pulls her fist back prepare to strike with her powerful blow.

"Go head and try!" Krieg flip his cape and under his cape hidden from people's eyes are metal spikes that shocked the Chefs while Krieg's men smirk.

"Oh no" one Chef exclaimed.

"Now there's no place for her to hit" one Pirate said evilly.

"Luffy, get back!" Sanji yelled.

But Luffy didn't shy away from that mountain spike cape; her resolution is far beyond than any man as her steel nerve is hard and unbreakable, showing no fear to Krieg's measly toys. She swung her fist at Krieg's protected spike shield and with a forceful punch she shockingly has penetrate Krieg's iron spike shield.

"Gum Gum Bullet!" she declared as Krieg is sent flying over with blood dripping from his lips and some broken teeth and landed painfully on the wooden deck.

The spectators were jaw-dropped at the display. Krieg, a man with three times her size has been hammered up by puny girl.

Even Zeff is taken back by surprise.

"This can't be!"

"Krieg got hit! Impossible!?" two Pirates couldn't believe it, they don't want to believe it but what happen from moment ago, she actually punched Krieg right in his mug's face in spite of he had Krieg's spike shield. She didn't get hurt from it, but her hand got a very nasty bruise from her own attack but no serious damage happened to her hand. Luffy silently looks down on Krieg with frown as Gardevoir heals her hand.

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