Chapter Forty-Two ~Zaria

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"Sorry about the jars. I'll replace everything," I say in a tizzy after I hear Crista and Axil shut the door. They're here. Back home, I think and allow myself just for the moment to feel at peace that all of us are together again.

"Don't worry about it," he says kindly. "Happened all the time with little Crista." He sighs. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised you figured out I am her father. You're highly perceptive."

I choke on a laugh. "I don't know if it was perception, just a gut feeling."

Striding over to the table he sits down and pats for me to sit down across from him. "Whatever it may be, I'm glad to have you back home in one piece, especially in the company of a Fae."

"He's harmless," I say again sitting down in a chair. "I believe he truly wants to help. He doesn't know exactly what he is looking for but he's told me inexplicable things that have made my feeling about him being here more structured."

"How so?" he asks sitting in a chair and tipping it on its back legs.

And that's when it hit me. If this man is Crista's father, he probably knows a lot about my mother. "He told me about my mom. Did you know Maria?" I ask, hopeful.

"Did I know her?" he chuckles. "Yes, I knew her very well." He leans into the table, the front legs of the chair back on the floor. "I also happen to know a lot about your father. He's kept off your back?" he asks, and his question catches me by surprise.

"Yes," I say drawing out my answer. "How... how well did you know him?" I ask trying to focus on Mr. Griffin's face and not all the memories of my father.

"I know enough. Zaria..." he says before his words get caught in his throat. "Make amends with your past. It has gotten you here today."

"Pfft," I can't help but huff. "And look where it's gotten me."

"Far better off than the life you once had," he opposes.

"Oh, yeah?"

He nods his head. "Zaria, I need you to remember something very important."

I lean back in my chair, stiff, my heart beating a little too hard to be okay.

"It is all worth it. Every last bit of it. No matter the outcome. Every little detail of your life is worth so much more than the sorrow you are feeling."

"A lot easier said than done," I retort, unimpressed.

He leans back, mirroring me and pulls a toothpick out of his pocket. Sticking it in his mouth he flashes his eyebrows. "I'd ask if you want to hear a story, but instead of asking I'll just tell you. I think you'll find it quite fascinating."

It takes every ounce of self-control in me not to roll my eyes. "I thought we were supposed to be discussing Axil's plan."

"Trust me," he says with a smile. "We will, but this is also very important."

I sigh, nod, and wait for him to collect his thoughts.

"You grew up with a boy named John. I know this not only because of your story through the palace but because I heard it through my friend, Zion. John's father."

My stomach drops and I almost jump out of my seat. "You know John's father?"

"Yes," he nods. "He loves him very much. Eden on the other hand."

"John ruined her. Tyrian told me some of the stories of her past." He nods and hangs his head. "Wait," I say. "The man I've seen... that's him. That's his father. That's your friend."

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