Chapter Forty-Nine ~Zaria

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"Together, we have enough power to reignite the Cave and this time I will finally be able to use it the way I have always intended."

"By taking people's magic? You're as sickly as you look."

"I don't think you have any business speaking about the sick, Zaria. Look at yourself. You're about to fall over at any moment."

"You've been trying to create your own magic, and it's starting another depression. Starting with the Crystal Cave. You're repeating history."

"There's no need for me to explain myself to you when you have no interest in joining me."

I cough and this time I can't catch my breath. "You – won't – touch – them."

"The royal family?" She laughs and slaps her knee. The hollow sounds reverberate through the cave and sends a chill to my core. "Since the moment you entered the cave, I've had them in my hands. It doesn't matter what you decide. Either way, I'm going to get your magic, the cave will become mine, and the royal family will fall. After all. It's just one big game."

Her last few words ring in my head bouncing all around. I feel my knees give out and I fall hitting the ground. The cold surrounds me for a few moments before even the snowy ground feels too warm. I look up and see little specks of black getting closer and closer until the specks kiss my face. They sprinkle from above and I don't even know where they are coming from and I quite frankly don't care.

The slight gasps of confusion coming from Eden are satisfying enough.

There's a flash of light and I believe it must be the end. Painless, I think to myself. What a blessing. The specks fall harder and harder until it looks like it's raining ashes.


I hear an audible gasp. One, unlike all the others. What is happening?

And for once Eden and I agree on something. "What is the meaning of all of this?!" she yells.

There are footsteps. Or, at least I think they're footsteps. Multiple footsteps.

"Zaria," I hear, and the voice is low enough for me to know it's a male. But the voice is too distorted for me to recognize who it's from.

The footsteps get closer, the ground shaking with every step. "Zaria," the voice says again and this time I can feel massive hands wrap around my arms, shaking me.

"Lucy!" the voice calls out and my stomach flips.


"I remember you." Eden's voice is distinct with its velvety smoothness. "The little lamb with pointy ears."

"What did you do to her?" Lucy says and even I shake at her voice.

"Zaria," I hear softly right by my ear. Looking up all I can see is a whole bunch of white, but this white has a little more shape to it and as I blink, I see the pale blue of Tyrian's eyes.

"What are you guys doing?" I'm able to barely whisper.

"The Ash Bond, remember? It called us. Where do you hurt?"

I don't even know what to tell him. Everywhere? And if it hurts everywhere is there really pain anywhere? It doesn't matter. There's nothing he can do to help my pain. Just Eden's presence here is speeding up the process of poison the more I refuse her command.

"An Ash Bond," Eden says. "How lovely." She raises her voice and it echoes over to me. "Zaria, it seems you do have faithful friends." Her voice goes quiet, but it's loud enough I can hear her say. "Are you here to fulfill the prophecy, sweetie? The maiden's truth, pure as ice, a heroine's delight. Come to save us, little lamb. Courage, love and strength. Make our inner demons scram. Deliver us at length."

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