sun to me.

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"5:34 am i was about to start my day but she layin there 'cross me, so i stayed anyway."

karissa was asleep in your arms, but you needed to get up for work. you knew of her insomnia, and tried to help her sleep. this was one of the first times she'd actually slept through the night. you had to get up, but you just wanted peace for your wife.

"sweetest of the sunflowers, yeah you're the sun to me."

she meant the world to you, and you'd do anything for her. even if that meant being late to work, and letting her sleep in.

"don't you have to get up, morgan?" she whispers, wiping her eyes.

"you need sleep baby, go back to sleep. it's early." you whisper back, playing with her hair.

"i'm up. you gotta get up babe." she says, lifting her head up.

"and you come from a good place with a happy family, the only bad you've ever done was to see the good in me."

karissa gets up, and you do the same.

"my dad called me last night. again. drunk."

"oh baby..i'm sorry."

"yeah," you sigh. "it's alright. i'm just sick of it." your eyes pool with tears, "i want him to stop drinking. even when i was 15 i wanted him to stop. he won't listen to me."

karissa wraps her arms around you, pulling you in for a big "bear hug" as she calls it.

"i mean like- your family is almost perfect. your parents are still together, and they are happy. i come from a completely fucked up- shit family. what do you see in me, anyway? like why me? i-i'm pretty sure i take after them-"

"morgan, morgan." karissa says, interrupting you. "you're so perfect. so what if your family isn't? i love you. you. not anyone else, i love you, because you're my everything. without you i wouldn't be able to do the things i do everyday. hell, i wouldn't even be able to sleep. i love you for who you are. just because drinking runs in the family doesn't mean i'll ever stop loving you. i'll always love you. forever. don't ever think i won't." karissa places kisses all over your face, making you laugh. "and no crying, either." she says, wiping the tears off your face.

"sorry." you say, smiling.

"i fell in love with your smile, and the way you talk to people. i remember one night, we were young, still in highschool. anyway, i was drunk, and you walked me home. i remember i didn't talk at all, because i was mad or something, but you told me that you'd get me home. you said, "karissa, i'm gonna get you home, okay? you'll be okay in a couple minutes." you helped me onto the couch, talked with my parents i think, kissed my head, and walked out the door. you did that because that's the kind of person you are. you're a sweet, caring, responsible woman. the next morning, after an awful hangover i knew you were the one."

"that's crazy..i don't even remember that."

"you were drunk too babe."

you laugh, so how do you remember that?"

"my mom told me the next morning. along with telling me i was grounded for a month."

you laugh, changing into scrubs.

"you'll find someone, someday, somewhere that'll grow you to the clouds."

"which i obviously didn't follow her stupid rules. 'stay in the house! no tv! come home right after school!' karissa says, mocking her mother.

"you little sneak."

"well duh, i had to see you. i remember when she caught me sneaking out, and i said i was going to see you. she said that she didn't mind driving me, even if i was grounded."

"see if that was my momma she'd beat my ass."

"well that was just it, we picked you up and you moved in with us for a while, remember?"

"oh yeah! she let us sleep in the same room too..that was a mistake."

"in the car though, i remember her saying, 'she might be the one. karissa i'm serious. you've never been this happy. ever.' then i said 'i feel like i'm high when i'm with her.' she responded, 'then she grows you to the clouds honey' and i knew i wanted to marry you one day."

"baby don't make me cry before work."

"well i'm just trying to convince you that i love you, so."

"i know you do you little booger."


"yeah it's my new nickname for you. booger." you say, hugging karissa.

"okay, weil i guess i'm just gonna have to start calling you shortie then. you'd like that?"

"NO! oh my god, not this again."

"well then my name isn't booger. you know what to call me. i know you do."

"yes, yes."

"very well then."

"you like the fit?" you say, turning around.

"i do. you look like a cutie."

you giggle and smile.

"was that a giggle?"

"giggle is a funny word."

"it is."

"i've been livin', watin' on the day that the good Lord willin' send you out my way"

"well i remember when i fell in love with you. i hadn't been in any other relationship all of high school, mostly because i knew it wouldn't work out. but, we had snuck out, and we went to get ice cream. it was may, so school was ending soon. anyway, i ironically, forgot my money, and you said that you covered it, which you did. you covered a lot of things, things other than money. we talked that night, about everything. and we did that thing, where you like become blood brothers or something with someone. we did that." you look down at your left hand, and smile. your eyes, for some odd reason, pool with tears. "i still have the scar. but anyway, my point, you let me be me. i could tell you anything in the world, and i knew i could trust you. i knew you were the one." you smile, wiping away the tears.

"morgan i love you. i still have the scar too."

"we technically got married that day you know." you say, straddling karissa's lap.

"that's true."

"i love you my wifey." you say, smiling against her lips.

"i love you more. have a good day at work my love." she replies, placing kisses on your face.

"thank you baby. i'll call you if i can." you say, heading down the stairs.

"bye bye!" karissa says, smiling, blowing you a kiss.

a/n: for my future wife 😽💗 mjxreader

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