Chapter One

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Alexis's point of view
I have been stuck in the car for way to long, I am hungry, tired, and in desperate need of a shower. I have been driving behind my older brother who happens to be helping me move from our parents' home in a small town in the middle of Ohio, all the way to upstate New York. Our mother passed away when I was incredibly young, still a baby, so I don't remember her very well but because of her passing my brother and I spent a lot of time with one another growing up, he was five years older than me, but we were still inseparable. Our father turned to the bottle after she passed away, he used to take his frustration of losing her on me. But, after graduating two years earlier and getting accepted into a college not too far from where my brother is currently located, things are starting to look up.

After so many hours of sitting in this car we finally pulled up to my little off campus apartment, Bryan swung the moving truck around to bring my few things into my first story apartment, 101. Once I got out of the truck, I grabbed my box of breakables out of the back seat of my ten-year-old SUV and met up with my brother to let him in so that we could start setting things up. Before we brought everything in, I did a walk through so that I could picture where everything would go. Because it was a cheaper apartment, I thought that the pictures would make it look smaller but to my surprise even though the apartment was small it had a decent size bedroom and a walk-in closet. I didn't know where I was going to set up my desk but I am now glad that I will be able to set up my bedroom with not only my queen bed, my night stand and a small dresser but my desk, and I have a Bay window seat in the room that has built in book cases on each side but if I wanted I could also but a decent chair in the corner, it had a beautiful white wall finishing and it made the room bright, especially with the brick accent wall where I was going to put my bed up against. I look around and smile because I got out of my father's home, I am finally going to start living for myself.

"You just going to stand there and daydream?" My brother scared me out of my own thoughts. "Sorry, it's just starting to hit me that I am going to be living on my own now. "Well, you aren't alone, I'm only a mile down the road and you know that if you ever need anything that me or Zach will be right there for you. he looks at you like a little sister." He says bringing up the one person that I rather not hear about. Zach has always been a pain in the ass after the first moment that we met and as I help my brother grab the rest of my things from the moving truck, I get lost in my thoughts on the day that I met Zach.

I still remember the day that I met the strong, beautiful, sexy intimidating man that is now standing right in front of me. It was late at night, and I had just run out of my home because my father and I got into a massive argument So I went to my long term boyfriends house, I was a senior in high school and my boyfriend at the time was in college, he was older than me by three years, and was in his third year of business degree. Calab had an apartment off campus thanks to his father. A few months ago he gave me a copy of the keys so because of that I thought that things were finally getting serious between us and that things were finally falling into place, and because I thought things were getting serious I finally let him take my virginity even though it was my first time didn't like the feeling at all and the sex even after that moment wasn't much better but I stayed with him believing and convincing myself that I love him and sex wasn't that important in a relationship.

As I pulled up to his apartment building there were so many cars parked around the building that it took me fifteen minutes to park but after I did, I got into the building with my key card and went up to his door. What shocked me was that it was wide open and there was a beautiful party going on in the inside of the house, there were so many good-looking people in there dancing, drinking and just having fun. "Why didn't I know about this party?" I asked myself. I continued to walk throughout the house looking for Calab, but I could not seem to find him anywhere. But, when I came towards the kitchen, I heard him talking to a few of his friends, they were laughing about something.

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