Chapter Two

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Alexis's Point of View

After the door shut behind them, I went into my bedroom to start getting everything unpacked now that Bryan and I have put my bed frame together and he's hung my mirror about my desk area. as I start unpacking and placing things where I think that they should go I find my box of adult toys, and I figured that I better put them up before Zach and Bryan came back, luckily before I moved here, I bought a decent sized safe to put all of my personal documents as well as my money way in that I could stick this small stash away in. 

As I look at them, I start to blush and think back to the same thing that I was thinking about this morning, about how I met Zach and before he found out that I was Bryan's younger sister all the things that we did together that night. Damn, it makes me wet just thinking about it. He was the best man that I have ever been with, but then again, I've only ever been with two even though that was years ago I could never find a man that I wasn't comparing to Zach, either in looks or in charms.

I start thinking about what he said that night, as I had my hands down the front of the boxers that he had let me change into with a smirk on his face he acted like he was stalking me as he keep stepping closer and as my back hit the sink behind me he gave me a triumphant smirk and said, "you know beautiful if you are going to play with yourself in my house you could at least offer a show. "I became bright read and tried to push past him at least that is what I tell myself as I stutter out a response, "I am so sorry, I think that I should go." I said, trying to get away from the sink but he was strong and as he picked me up and set me on the sink counter he said, "no baby doll, you are wet and it wouldn't be right of me not to help take care of that." and before I could respond the boxers that were on me were on the floor in a blink of an eye. "If you don't want this, tell me now." he says as he started to kiss all over my knees and the top of my thighs as he was now on his knees in front of me, and at this moment I wasn't going to argue, his scent made me horny, and I would be stupid to stop the god that wants to satisfy my needs. 

There was the sound of glass shuddering that pulled me out of my thoughts, and I could feel my face heat up thinking about the fact that I got lost in the past yet again, I look down to find the picture frame of my mother and brother holding me a few moments before she died. it was the only picture I have of all of us, so I go over to my box of picture frames and grab the one that has my graduation photo in it and switch them. I take and put the picture in the frame on my nightstand and my graduation photo in the corner of my mirror with the frame of it holding said photo. After cleaning up the glass that was now on the bedroom floor, I look around the room and see that the only thing I have left is a decent size box of my books and a box of my blankets and pillows for my bed. I pull out my new silk sheet set that was one of my biggest purchases for myself. 

After my bed was made I moved onto unpacking my Knick knacks, that I have had since I was a child, small thing that my brother had bought me for special occasions. There was the necklace that he found while on a business trip overseas that looked like the same one that our mother used to wear. So, I hung it on the corner of my mirror on a little hook. My desk was now cluttered with all my school supplies where a little shelf that Bryan attached to the wall that held all of my class text books that he bought me, brand new, saying that I was going to need the best. my laptop sitting on top of my desk and a mini fridge filled with my waters and power snacks so even if I got too busy, I would always be able to stop what I was doing for a moment to get a snack. And, of course Bryan stocked it before he left with all of my favorite yogurts, some cheese strings, protein smoothies, and many more. 

"Lex! were back." Bryan called from the other room, and I walked out seeing that both him and Zach were sitting on the couch in my living room, I looked around and noticed that they both took their shoes off at the door and they had their coats handing in the little closet by the door as well. I am so glad that they remembered how I feel about shoes in the house. Because I didn't have my dining room table, yet they had the food set out on the coffee table in the Livingroom, I also noticed my favorite bottle of red wine as well as three bottles of water sitting around each plate that was left empty. "I figured that instead of getting just enough for one meal we could do extra that way you will have a few small meals to eat until you get everything situated. "Thanks." I said in awe because he knew me to well, now that we have known each other for about three years and him and my brother share an apartment and business together. he shrugged it off like it was no big deal but it was, to be honest it was a huge deal to me, when I was living with my father I only really got to eat on Fridays, when it was pay day and that was only if I had enough money after covering my for my car, and the rent my father was charging me that he would use that same day to buy his boozes. I never told anyone about what was going on after Bryan left because no one would believe me and the only person that would was doing something good with his life. 

As we dug into our food i moaned as the taste of the hot food hit my tongue which made me blush looking up from my plate whispering a quick "sorry" Bryan just laughed it off but Zach, he was a different story all together. He clenched his fork harder and tried to subtly fix the crotch of his pants. After a few moments of awkward silence Bryan started asking questions about school and I would answer them and soon Zach was chiming in as well. After two hours of talking, I was in the kitchen washing our dishes, Zach was standing next to me drying them and Bryan was passed out, due to a food coma his words not mine.

"Hey, listen I know that we really haven't talked just the two of us since the day..." He began but couldn't spit it out. "The day that you fucked me so good that I couldn't, and still can't, picture another man inside of me?" my mind wanted me to say but I just said, "Hooked up. Don't worry about it, I'm just your friend's sister. No hard feelings." "No that's not what I was going to say." he started but I cut him off, "Listen, I drove a long way have been up since 4 am, I need a shower and to get some sleep before I tackle the rest of this apartment." "So, you're kicking me out? Before we can finish this conversation?" he asked looking shocked. "Yes, Zach I am, you made it perfectly clear to me when we woke up after having sex not once but multiple times, after you drunkenly told me you felt something between us, after waking up the very next day to you saying it wasn't working out and that we should just be friends. Well guess what this is us being friends now please, I need some sleep." I said as I walked to the door opening it pushing him out, handing him his jacket and shoes and slamming the door in his face. but before it closed completely, I heard him say "But..." and I thought that I heard him say, "I'm sorry beautiful." which made a tear fall down my face, but I wiped it off. I walked back into the living room area and knew that Bryan wouldn't wake up anytime soon, so I grabbed my fluffy blanket that he loved and covered him up with it as it was starting to get kind of chilly in the apartment.

After I went through locked the front door, turned off all of the lights and the tv, checked on Bryan again, I went into the bathroom where I stripped my clothes put them in the hamper and got under the shower head, I absolutely loved the feeling of the hot water running down my body. I stayed in there a little too long and I realized that when I noticed the water becoming a cooler. So, i put my robe in tightened the tie around my waist and looked at myself in the mirror now without the makeup that I used to cover up the bruises I could see the different colorations of the different healing processes if the many different bruises. I quickly brush my teeth without looking back into the mirror and go back to my room where I climb into my bed where I was out like a light after just a few moments.  

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