The devils mate

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*does she ever shut up* *his eyes trail to the woman talking while holding his hand* Winter: You should meet my sister.. well friend but she's like my sister *his eyes drop annoyed but he sighs reluctantly* Raul: fine but if she flirts with me like the rest I won't be happy *the man steps into the shadows of a tree his green eyes shining and his pitch black curly hand sticks to his neck from the heat his sun kissed skin perfectly pulling his whole look together* Winter: PFFF Gal? Flirt with you? now she might honestly destroy your ego. *Rauls eyes roll in annoyance winter has always annoyed him he has no clue why he said yes to her, she moves too fast* Raul: and I'll destroy hers. *he says hi voice low and annoyed which makes winter giggle* Winter: you can try she's cruel.

*hours go by and winter jumps to her feet as i knock on her front door and she runs down the stairs opening the door leaving Raul in her room* Winter: you're here! *she smiles as a i remove my biking helmet my eyes dropped in a lazy stare and my hair falling down passed my butt eyes dark brown with purple and blue specks in them* Galaxy: well you asked me to come didn't you? *i steps inside setting my helmet down on the table and looking around* now where's this lover boy you want me to meet? * fixes my hair and follows winter to her room winters always been smaller and her short white hair doesn't match her bright pink eyes I think she's a fairy hybrid I'm not sure though I never really cared to ask tbh*
*I keep following her till we round a corner and into her room where my brown eyes clash with shiny emeralds.. no those are eyes.. and the power this man's no joke the power leaking from his body almost makes my legs crumble good thing I've met more intimidating people or I would've bowed to him in that moment* Raul: so you're the infamous Galaxy huh? *his eyes scan the my body looking me from head to toe* Galaxy: and you're the ego filled jerk *tilts my head a smirk coming on my lips as I see his cocky smirk drop and his eyes glare at me. If I was a normal girl I would've dropped to my knees but instead I glare back* Raul: tsk you're a dragon queen aren't you *my smirk drops in second as I stare at him in shock and winter looks between us but looks at me shocked* Winter: wait huh?! You're.. *i snarl my eyes glowing and my canines growing to their full length* Galaxy: and you're the devil aren't you *Raul stands and snarls close to me in seconds his huge form towering over me like I'm a small rodent he's at least 6'4.. no a little shorter than that maybe 6'3* Galaxy: aw I struck a nerve *a snarl escapes my lips when he grabs my jaw and I grab his wrist* Raul: shut you m- *his eyes widen staring at me for a minute before letting me go* No fucking way.. *I rub my jaw in annoyance but looks at winter confused as Raul vanishes I assume he teleported away but idc good riddance*

Winter: I'm sorry about him he's usually laid back.. ig your attitudes just clash *she sighs sad we didn't get along and I grab the tennis ball on the bed tossing it up and catching it* Galaxy: winter I never got along with any of your boyfriends why don't you stop dating anyone that wants you and look for your mate.. *winter looks down* Winter: I thought he was the one.. I mean look at him he's smoking hot.. *I shrug and lays back on her bed but jumps when he door slams open and my wrist is grabbed* Galaxy: huh?.. HEY
Raul: just shut up and come with me. *he yanks me up and rushes out with my wrist in hand looking back I see winters confused face staring at us, I struggle against his grip but curse the devil for being so fucking strong*

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