This man

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Galaxy's POV:
Galaxy: WILL YOU LET ME GO! This is no way to treat a lady! *I yell while he pulls me through a forest* Raul: HA! A lady! You act more like a cruel troll than a lady! *he grunts in pain as I land a hard kick to his knee* Galaxy: AND YOURE ACTING LIKE A CREEP! Who grabs a woman and drags her into a forest *Raul glares letting me go* Raul: so you didn't feel it?   Galaxy: feel what? Your awfully rough hands hurting my wrist? *Raul glares at me and I give him a sly smile and fixes my sleeve he wrinkled and I look around but grumble as he grabs my wrist again* Galaxy: oh what no- *my eyes widen as I'm pulling into the man's hard chest.. damn he's muscular.. I go to speak but he covers my mouth and I tense up as I feel what he was talking about*
Winter: Gal! Raul! Where are you guys! *my eyes shift to winter but.. that's not winter her eyes they're red not pink and she's too tall.. cracks come from her as her body changes form tall and skinny* Winter: oh come on guys! This isn't funny come out! *a chill goes down my spine as her voice deepens and distorts like it's an animal mocking her well trying to* Raul: stay here.. *he whispers and puts me behind a tree as he runs at the creature I shut my eyes not wanting to see what happens next but all I feel is a hand grab my wrist* Raul: ok let's go *I nod opening my eyes and follows him.. that was quick.. I look at the blood in his wrist* Raul: GAL! THATS NOT ME *I turn as his voice comes from behind me my eyes landing on the man who has the creature down but I look back at the man who just had ahold of me just to be met with dark soulless voids.. eyes.. wait*


Raul's POV:
*my eyes widen as I witness the monsters mouth open wide so wide it's able to bite down on the girls head letting a sickening crunch fill the air* Raul: NO! *runs to her and the monster as the monster goes to put more of her into its mouth but flames explode from galaxy's body burning the monster to a crisp..the flames are blue.. I've never seen blue flames before* Raul: OI! Are you ok? *I grab her checking her. Her heads intact.. in fact.. she's not hurt at all galaxy's head turns to me her eyes a bright blue so bright it looks like an ocean* ??: ah the devil looks like gal likes strong ones *galaxy speaks but it's not her usual soft and confident voice  this one's deep and dripping with venom than it clicks in my head as her pupils turn to skulls* Raul:.. Reaper.. *I jump back as blue flames blast at me a sickening grin forming on her face* Reaper: Bingo

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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