KomaHina: Love Drugs

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Warnings: boy X boy, narcotics, food drugging, violence, horny teenager, mention of blood, mention of girl X girl (specifically Mahiyoko)

Hajime's POV: 

I had just finished my shower when I heard a knock on my door.

Without even realizing it, I answered, and there he stood; Nagito. Not two seconds went by before his face turned completely red.

"Ah! I'm sorry! Ididntmeantodisturbyou!" His mouth trembled and he threw his hands over his eyes. I looked down and realized I was only in a towel.

"Oh! One second!" I slammed the door shut and ran to grab something to wear. "ok what was it you..." I reopened the door to see Teruteru walking away and Nagito holding a plate of what I think was curry.

"Ahh, you're back! I had something I..." he took a bite of his food, "... wanted to ask you."

"Yeah? What is it?" I led him into my room as he ate a bit more of his curry.

"Well, Chiaki said something about wanting to host another game competition. I was going to ask if you wanted to participate?"

"Really? That sounds like fun. Sure I'll join." I sat down on my bed and laid back, closing my eyes.

Clang! It sounded like he dropped something so I shot my eyes open and looked at him.

The plate was on my desk nearly all eaten and he had collapsed on the floor. "Nagito!" I yelled and jumped over to him. "What's wrong?!"

He looked over to me slowly. It was so odd, his eyes pupils were positively huge and he was smiling creepily. While sure, this was normal for him, it was not that it had happened so suddenly.

"Have you always had that thing on your head? It's so cute~" he poked my ahoge and started laughing out of no where.

"What is going on with you?" I asked and he just rolled over in my lap and wheezed. "Hm..." I glared at him and he just cupped my cheeks and started squishing my face.

I sighed and got up carefully so as not to disturb his little... thing. Quickly walking down the beach I pounded on his door. "Hanamura! Open up!"

The short chef opened the door with a curious look. "What. The hell. Did you put in that curry?!" I demanded and lifted him up by his collar aggressively.

"W-what are you talking about, Cher?"

"Nagito! He ate that stupid dish and suddenly he's acting like he's on drugs!"

His eyes flew open at that and he started panicking. "What's he doing?" He blurted.


"I need to know if it's what I think it is." He looked more and more worried.

"Dialated pupils, creepy smile, weird laughter..."

"That just sounds like Nagito..."

"Let me finish! Random comments about my hair, playing with my face... plus it all only happened after he ate that food!"

"So either he's just being normal Nagito but acting more flirty, or there was something in my dish... but I didn't do that... Hiyoko!"


"She helped me with the sauce." He looked worried.

"Fine. I'll go talk to her." I reluctantly put him down and he went back inside.

Turning to find her cabin, I was met with someone pinning my wrists up and meeting my lips with theirs. I struggled until I realized who it was.

"Why did you leave? I missed you~" he giggled and nearly fell over. Catching him, he continued his laughing fit and tried to kiss me again.

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