New Questions!

407 21 15

Admin: We have two new questions from @wolfwinx21 !
"Dipper, can you describe how it felt to fuse with Steven?"
"Mabel, do you want to fuse with Steven?"
Admin: Why doesn't Dipper go first?
Dipper: *sighs* Well, it felt like I was me, but another half of me was different. Happy?
Admin: Very. Mabel?
Mabel: Of course! Steven's awesome! *blushes*
Steven: *blushes*
Connie: *blushes* *crosses arms*
Admin: *evil grin* Then do it! *plays slow music*
Mabel: *blushes*
Steven: *holds out hand*
Mabel: *takes it*
(Steven and Mabel start to dance, holding hands. Steven twirls Mabel, and she laughs. She departs, giggling. She lays down on the ground, laughing her heart out. Steven starts to approach Mabel to join her, but Admin sticks her foot out and trips him. Oops. Steven falls onto Mabel, and their lips touch. Steven and Mabel faze into each other, making a fusion that is smiling from the start)
Connie: *tears in eyes* *wipes them away*
Admin: I totally ship it. Not as much as you guys, though. *pats Connie's back*
Stemabel (Yes, that's what I'm calling the ship and fusion name.): Hey, guys! Pretty cool, right?
Connie: How- how long are you guys going to stay like that? *frowning*
Stemabel: *shrug* (Steven:) Connie...
(Stemabel unfuses)
Steven: *laying on the ground* Connie! *stands up* *runs to her* *hug*
Connie: *surprised at first* *hugs back*
(Steven and Connie stop hugging, and their eyes meet)
Steven: Connie, I- *he kisses her*
Connie: *blush intensifies* *kisses back*
Steven: *lets go*
Admin and Mabel: *stares with open mouths*
Admin: Whaaat...
Mabel: *rubs arm* *blushes*
Connie: *stares, her eyes shining (Y'know, those star-like things in her eyes that makes SU look totally anime) *
Steven: *awkwardly stares back and rubs the back of his head, his eyes also shining*
Admin: Whelp, that's enough action for now! Comment below, we'll get to your dare/question eventually!

I imagine Connie becoming sad, not jealous if this sort of thing actually happened. Like, she thought he liked her, and her only. But Connie is not the jealous type.

Dare and Ask Steven Universe and Gravity Falls!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum