More Dares! Again...

436 18 57

Admin: Jeez, this story is getting waaaay too popular. I might cut it down into four dares per chapter. It's a bit much for me to do much more than that. Anyway, first dare is:
Admin: From ILoveLapisLazuli : Lapis and Steven kiss!
Lapis: *awkwardly stares at Steven*
Steven: *awkwardly stares at Lapis*
Admin: Aren't you guys going to do something, for god's sake?
Steven: Yeah, but this is just...
Lapis: Really awkward...
Steven: Because we're just...
Lapis: Beach Summer Fun Buddies.
Steven: Oh, what the heck! *kisses Lapis*
Admin: *mumbles* the things I write for my readers...
Admin: Next dare is from- you know what? Why doesn't everyone just kiss everyone!
I'm getting too many comments ah stress
Admin: but anyway... @susapphire (Sorry if I got your user wrong) is asking Reverse Gideon a question.
Admin: *clap*
Rev! Gideon: *poof*
Mabel and Dipper: Ah! Gideon!
Rev! Gideon: Aah! Gleeful twins!
Mabel: Gleeful twins..? I thought we were Pines?
Gideon: W-what? I'm a Pines! You're the Gleefuls!
Dipper: What are you talking about, you're a Gleeful!
Admin: *fast-forwards* So basically I explained to them the Reverse Falls AU. And saved your ears from bleeding. You're welcome.
Admin: So, Gideon, here's your question: Have you ever met yourself from the alternate dimension? He's kinda like Dipper and Mabel in your universe.
Dipper: Wait, so in this Gideon's dimension, we're the bad guys?
Mabel: That's so cool!
Gideon: Um, no, but if I'm like Dipper and Mabel in this dimension, I don't think I want to meet myself!
Admin: Now, for the final two dares of this chapter:
Dipper: Chapter..?
Admin: *bows head* it is done.
Dipper: What?! There is no way that that weird kid is kissing my si-
Steven: *shrugs* if I have to. *kisses Mabel*


Mabel: *stares at Steven* (if her animation style would allow stars in her eyes, she would have them)
Connie: *awkwardly sits in a corner*
Steven: *comes over and sits by her*
Admin: Wendy and Amethyst. Come.
Wendy: Yo
Amethyst: Also yo
Admin: now kiss
Wendy: What.
Amethyst: But she's human.
Wendy: That's the only problem you have with this?!
Amethyst: More or less. Us Gems are lesbians through-and-through.

<Don't agree with me? FIGHT ME. COME AT ME, BRUH>

Wendy: Ugh, fine. It is a dare, I guess. *kisses Ame*
Admin: And
Admin: we're
Admin: done.
*camera cuts*

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