Unknown Heretic Data

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Name: Bao (Old), Abbadon (New)

Aliases: The One Who Will Rewrite the Past And Future


Age: 20

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Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Heretic Humagear (Cyborg Variant)

Affiliation: Raptures, Heretics

Love Interests: Blanc & Noir

Personality: A brilliant but malevolent scientist, who possesses an insatiable thirst for power

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Personality: A brilliant but malevolent scientist, who possesses an insatiable thirst for power. With a cold, calculating mind, he aims to rewrite the fabric of time itself, erasing inconvenient events and shaping a world where he reigns supreme. Obsessed with control, he views morality as a hindrance to scientific progress and is willing to sacrifice anything for his dark ambitions. Driven by a twisted intellect, he sees the manipulation of time as the ultimate tool to reshape reality according to his malevolent vision.

Likes: Relishes in the pursuit of knowledge, especially when it grants him more control over time. He finds joy in outsmarting others and revels in the power his scientific achievements bring.

Dislikes: Despises incompetence and those who challenge his authority. He has a particular disdain for emotions and morality, viewing them as weaknesses that hinder progress. Betrayal is met with ruthless retribution, as he considers loyalty essential to his grand plan.

Soul Knight Combat Suit:

Soul Knight Combat Suit:

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