Flattering Myself

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Till when ye remain flatter by these foolish dreams to filled that blank space,
Which had no fulfillment,
Till when ye keep dreaming fill those empty spaces,
And how long shall it take to get shattered by this delusion of yers,
May be these spaces shall forever remain unfulfilled,
Moreover they let you burn in the fire of insincerity, insecurity and fears,
Which kept knocking your door tell ye doesn't stop dreaming to fill those spaces,
Let them remain still,
Let these walls remain hollow, these spaces empty, and the time stil,
Let not try to fill those spaces through daydreams as they hold massive fear or bring abandoned, greatest insecurities of rejection and fear of unacceptance.
Let these things remains let ye care about yers walls and boundaries drawing then higher,
Never looking back keep riding along life like a hero of your own.

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