Living in the Shadows of Your Deceit

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In the shadows of your deceit, a moment ago,
She whispered truths, and my heart began to grow,
Accused you of lies, a player's twisted game,
Yet my mind, loyal still, defends your name.

A dance of anger, swirling in my mind,
Can it be real, or just the fury I find?
Yet echoes of your actions, déjà vu so clear,
In her words, a mirror, reflecting my fear.

Go, indulge in your egoist delight,
Seeking attention, not love, in the night.
A clever facade, your charade well played,
But the sting of your game has left me betrayed.

You praised my wit, my understanding keen,
As if familiarity with your game made me serene.
But beneath the surface, the pain persists,
A wound inflicted by your flirtatious twists.

Shame should grip your conscience tight,
For the hearts you toy with, in the moonlight.
You could've drawn lines, kept it mere,
Yet you chose to flirt, instill false cheer.

My father's face, a judgment passed,
"Characterless," a label that will forever last.
I wipe the thought, a delusion so vain,
Yet echoes of mistakes, my soul's silent pain.

How did I fall for your mind games again?
Inside my head, a battleground of shame.
Regret fills my veins for sharing my past,
To someone like you, a diehard cast.

I regret thinking of you in a different light,
Words spoken, a mistake, a desperate flight.
Shame engulfs me for letting you inside,
A soul-sucking presence, where darkness resides.

I won't text you again, won't play the savior,
Escape this trap of shame, regain my behavior.
No more illusions, no more falling through,
Hope to emerge, stronger, anew.

Childhood tales, a regret now confessed,
Thinking of you in that way, a haunting distress.
Saying those words, a folly in vain,
Now I bear the weight of self-inflicted pain.

The thought of dying, once a desperate plea,
Now just a stain, a memory haunting me.
Tears cascade, a river of despair,
A dramatic stage, a life beyond repair.

Afraid to move away, yet scared to let you near,
A dichotomy of emotions, drowning in fear.
Wishing to break free from your soul's embrace,
Yet haunted by the idea of leaving without a trace.

I won't live with the thought of hurting you,
Instead, I'll recall the pain you put me through.
A nightmare, an ache within, near my heart,
You, dear, are the poison tearing me apart.

No positive thoughts, just a scream of hate,
A desire to sever, to escape this fate.
I want to move away, from your toxic game,
To reclaim my sanity, break free from your name.

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