Whisper of a silent heart

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The silent heart whispered,
Am I too hard to love?
The rational mind answered,
You aren't hard to love, you're seeking love in wrong places.
The silent heart whispered,
Am I not enough?
The rational mind answered,
You're enough, It's just that you're trying too hard to please the wronge ones,
The silent heart whispered,
Am I not good?
The rational mind answered,
You're good enough, it just that you're investing yourself among wrong ones,
The silent heart whispered,
Is it wrong of me to be opinionated?
The rational mind answered,
It is not wrong of you to be opinionated but you've to choose the right people to share your opinions with,
The silent heart whispered,
Am I not worthwhile,
The rational mind answered,
You're worthwhile, it just that the insecure base of childhood has made you feel lonely enough and wrong enough that all along you believed you'd never be right,
you'd never have someone to love you,
You can never afford a good company cause you're not worthy of love,
You're not worthy of success because you're naive enough,
But don't let your thoughts tell you that you're not enough.
Just know that you're enough, worth loving, and you deserve the world.

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