Good Days will Come

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Good days will come for you,
Not today but tommorow,
May be it wasn't even a day,
It was just a moment,
When last time you saw a kid smiling towards you,
Or when you received your favourite dress,
Or you get the chance to dance at ball party what you've dream of since childhood,
May be someday good days will not just come you might bring themselves for yourself,
By doing what you love,
By dancing on your own,
By living those parts and versions of you which you once might found hard to love,
May be someday when you don't have that energy to bring in that positivity,
A kid from a neighbour will come and hug you and you feel that warmth of little hands on your shoulders,
Or may be you'll find that love in most hopeless days,
Or may be your friends will drag you to do something which is exciting and thrilling to bring that sensation,
Don't just build pathetic image of yourself in your head as you won't realise when it'll become real,
Just try to have little fun, to bring in that little positivity.

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