Fool in Love's Elusive Dance

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In love's elusive dance, am I the fool?
To hold onto hearts that play by no rule.
Is it my error to harbor hope sincere?
In loyalty's embrace, did I draw near?

Amidst a world that keeps its options wide,
Did I, a simple heart, in love confide?
A solitary path, my choice to prioritize,
In a sea of choices, did I not realize?

Is it a sin to seek love's tender grace?
To let fingers linger in an intimate embrace.
Did I grant worth where none should be?
A grave mistake, it seems, burdening me.

To feel special, seen, heard, and understood,
Yet left with emptiness, where once it stood.
Ignoring every misstep, every wrong,
In the pursuit of love, did I not belong?

Why, oh why, did I make you my oath?
To be held as a sin, a heart's troth.
Creating pangs, a self-inflicted strife,
In the aftermath of a misguided life.

In selflessness, amidst a selfish quest,
Loyalty bestowed, but put to the test.
I wish, at times, options I had kept,
Yet, true to myself, I silently wept.

They, not worth holding, in retrospect clear,
A hope for someone worthy, drawing near.
If not, then hope to break free I'll find,
From the faithless ones, who left me behind.

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