Part 16

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Mitch p.o.v (short-ish)

I leave her in the living room and I turn on the TV for her.

"Stay here" I kiss her forehead "I will be right back." She smiles at me.

"Okay." She grabs the remote and flips through the channels. Before I walk into the kitchen I see she ends up watching the news.

I go in the kitchen to finish breakfast that I started.

Carter p.o.v

Mitch goes into the kitchen. And I turn on the news. They just babble on about the weather. Then they start talking about this guy who robbed a bank.

The lady says "Brad Mason, abusive convict, had his trial today. And was sentenced to nothing more than parole. "

Tears start to fill my eyes.

"Marisa I don't know about you, but I feel that he got of easy, way too easy." She laughs "well there goes another criminal, just walking the streets."

rivers of tears of stream down my face.

No he can't be. It's not fair. He had guards. He was probably apart of the Russian Mafia or something.

I quickly run my eyes with the sleeve of Mitch's hoody and shake my face a little bit. His hoody is a light grey color. I sniffle as I hear Mitch walk in.

He walks in with two plates. He sets the on the coffee table in front of the couch. Looking up at him I manage to smile. He looks at me with concern. Then the look goes away.

Jerome p.o.v

(A/N- I am going to avoid writing the hole interview of the custody thing sorry. Much luv ❤️~Kaitlyn)

The interview took about 2 and a half hours and In the end, I ended up signing my custody of Carter over to mat. I have this guilty feeling in gut. But I guess that's suppose to happen when you give up you custody of someone because you think you have feelings for her.

"Thank you so much" I say to shannon as Mat and I get up and shake Shannon's hand. I gather up all of the paperwork that was in my folder I brought. And Mat gathered up his paper work. I handed Carters birth certificate to Mat.

"Here you go mat."

"Thank man, why are you doing this again?" He says as we leave the ladies office.

I think about my answer. I decide to tell him the truth. I tell him everything about Carter. How I thought it was going to be something and how it ended up to be something different.

"Dude, Mitch is gonna FA-REAK!" He says the word freak in two syllables very clearly.

"Yeah I know. It's why he doesn't know. And if you tell him, I will chop your dick off and replace it with an 80 year old vagina." I smile sarcastically at him.

"Okay okay. I won't." He says as we get into the car "but you know he is going to find out. He's Mitch. and if doesn't find out it from you. Carter might tell him the stuff that has happen."

I ignore his statement with frustration as I buckle my seat belt and sip on my now sour, berry smoothie.

Mitch p.o.v (sorry for switching a lot)

Carter and I finished eating our breakfast and we sit back on the couch and watch tv. I asked her if I can change the channel and she agrees. Almost eager to change the channel.

A few moments later there is a knock at the door.

"I'll get that kitten." I kiss her forehead.

I walk over to the door a peer through the peep whole. It is a tall, blonde man. I can't really get a good look at him. I open the door. I get a REAL good look at him. I glare at him and he glares at me.

"Ha, just the man I wanted to see." He grips the collar of my shirt.

"CARTER STAY HERE I WILL BE ROGHT BACK!" I yell into the door. he yanks me out side. He and I are about the same built. Broad. Strong. Large muscled. Except he's taller and I am a few inches shorter than he is.


He is taller then me Which gives me an advantage. I am smaller there for I will be quicker.

He yanks me into the front lawn and pushes me onto the grass. As I am gathering my self and attempting to stand up, he kicks me in my side. Right in my rib cage. A sharp pain is sent though my body. I don't show any sighs of weakness tho. He goes to kick me again but I stand up quick and do a side kick and kick him on the chest. Causing him to go of balance and fall to the floor. I kick him in his ribs twice before he grabs my foot and twists it.

I turn and fall on to my stomachs with a grunt. He kicks me in my side repeated.

I hear glance up as my vision gets blurry and I see a figure pull Brad away and punch him in the face. Knocking him out.

"Mitch." The voice is muffled "mitch stay with me buddy!" He roles me over onto my back and lightly slaps my cheeks.

Everything goes black.

Carter p.o.v (still sorry for changing a lot)

I hear yelling and commotion going on out side.

I get up and rush out side I see, wait, Brad, my heart beat instantly increases. I see Brad on the grass, knocked out? I am so confused and scared at the same time. Beads of sweat form on my hair line. I see Mitch on the grass too, Jerome is on he's knees by Mitch's face, patting his cheeks. I fall to my knees.

No not Mitch. I cover my mouth with my hands. No no no not Mitch please Mitch. Stay strong. I think too my self.

Ambulances pull up. Two of them. A man walks over to me. "Carter?" He says "Carter it's mat" but I ignore him. He tries to lift me up to make me stand. But I push him off me and start to run towards Mitch on the gurney. The paramedics rolling him towards the ambulance.

Before I get to Mitch, Jerome runs to my side and grips my waist. I was running so this causes me to launch into the air a bit. Then cause Jerome and I too lunge forward a bit. I start crying. Sobbing hysterically.

We both fall to our knees. Jerome wraps his arms around my arms and body as he lets me sob and scream into his shirt.

(A/n- sorry for the back to back to back LONG updates.

Much luv 💞


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