Part 19

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authors note: this one is going to be kind of long because i need to finish this book within 20 parts. lol sorry

much luv <3


Mitch p.o.v

squinting my eyes to the bright lights i woke up. carter is laying next to me. in the hospital bed. she has her arm across my stomach and her head on my shoulder. she is on her side in between my arm and my body. my arm is around her back and under her arm. "when did this happen?" i wonder.

i notice a boy standing in the door way. he looked about 7. he was looking at me. he is wearing a bajan canadian hoodie.

"com'ere" i motion my hand for him to come here. he slowly walks in taking his hoodie of revealing a plain white tshirt. he pulls a marker out of his packet. 

"will you sign my shirt please?" i cant say no to a fan. no matter what condition or circumstance

"sure buddy." he hands me the marker and turns around "whats your name?" 


"awesome danny. thats a prety cool name huh?"  i say as i sign his shirt. 

it says "whats up little benj? awesome meeting you -Mitch AKA TheBajanCanadian"

"yeah i guess." he smiles as he turns around."get better soon please." i hand back the marker.

"okay." then he leaves and the nurse, Dallis, comes back in. 

"hey would you mind setting up my tripod? i am going to have one of my friends run home and grab it, i have to upload a video."

he looks at carter laying next to me, with a confused look. "uh- sure." he leaves with out saying another word.

"mat!" i whisper yell. because carter i sleeping cuddled up next to me. aww her hair is all over her face and her cheek is squished into my chest. jerome has his arms folded on the bed, with his head resting on his arms. hes sleeping too. "MAT!" i whisper yell kind of louder this time.

"WHAT!" he whisper yells back at me.

"go to the house and get my tripod and camera PA-LEASE!"  i chuckle

he yawns and groans. he grabs a cup from the tan drink carrier and leaves the room.

Carter inhales deeply and then exhales slowly. i pull the middle part of my...her hoodie and put it on her. i kiss the top of her head. this is perfect. 

you only have the kinds of moments in the movies. in romance movies. her and i are our own romance movie. oh no. thats not a good thing. in romance movies something bad always happens to one of them. in "The Titanic" jack dies and in "The Fault In Our Stars" gus dies. oh no. i wrap my other around her and tighten my grip. but not to tight. i dont want to hurt her. i never want to hurt her. if shes hurt i am hurt. i kiss the top of her head again. i sighs out. 

"hi" her voice is raspy from sleep. she looks up at me. her head is on my chest. Her eyes are sparkling. he lips are a bubblegum color. oh her eyes. oh her lips. i could get lost in both of those things.

"hi there."  i shift my head to the side a little bit so that i can look down at her. 

she smiles with a little laugh

"what?" i raise my eyebrows playfully. 

"your just..perfect. and i knew i liked you on youtube. but." she pauses

"but wait?" i hate it when people pause in the middle of there sentences and then i hate it more when people just say 'nevermind' GOD that pisses me off more then the game "i am bread" fucking  am bread. i silently shake my head at myself. 

"i would have never expected to have falling, madly and head over heels in love with you." her cheeks flush and turn pink.

"i never thought that i would have ever ended up dating on of my fans. i said that i would be okay with with dating on of them, i said that in a video, btw fangirls went crazy, but i never thought that it would actually happen."

i lean down, like i am going to kiss her, she leans up, but i pull away and dont kiss her.

"your such a tease." then mat walks in with my recording stuff he starts setting it up in front of my bed. 

"jerome get up buddy." i shake his shoulder, he just groans.

"are you gonna record?" carter asks me.

"yeah i haven't posted in a while." i say, moving my attention back to jerome. "biggums get up. i have to record." 

"BUT WHYYY" he whines. standing up. 

"just cuz" i stick my tongue out at him.

 i shoo him with my hand, out of the view of the camera. 

"you ready?" mat says standing behind the camera. i nod and with his fingers he counts down




"hey guys what is up? its mitch or bajan canadian here. and i am on the hospital. it is nothng major i just got hurt yesterday" i have to lie. i cant tell them carters story. "i just tripped and fell down the stair but i am okay. just a couple of fractured ribbs." at that moment  realize i am not wearing a shirt but only an unzipped hoodie. "but i have Jerome,  and my girlfriend here to help me." carter looks at me wide eyed. "thats right everyone, i have a girlfriend. her name is carter. c'mere" i motion for her to come here.

"but why i look like a bum." 

"its fine babe you look beautiful as ever" i can already here the fangirls going crazy on there keyboards. i chuckle and carter shuffles over to my side.

"hello everyone" she waves awkwardly.  laugh at her. 

"AND JEROME IS HERE TO" he pops his face in front of the camera. 

"yes Jerome is here too" i laugh.

"AND MAT!" mat pushes Jerome away and pops in front of the camera from the other side.

"ladies lade you will both get your turn." they laugh at me and move out of the camera."but like i was saying" i continue "this is my girlfriend" i drape my arm around her shoulders as i sit up. "her name is Carter and she is amazing." i kiss her cheek "her and i have been together for about a week now and i am loving every second of it." the nurse walks in a points to his watch, tapping it twice. 

"alright everyone thank you all so much for all your guys support, i really appreciate it. that is all the time i have for now. much love, take care." Mat ends the video.

Dallis walks over to me and takes the needle from my arm. i feel light headed and nearly pass out. carter looks away and pretends to barf. the is a little bubble of blood over the hole in my arm where the needle comes out. Dallis holds a piece of kleenix on it.

"ouch, its sore" he wince. carter kisses my temple.

"aww wits okway mitchy poo" she talks like a little baby. i cant help but laugh. 

Dallis then rips of the circular stickers that are on my chest, off. there are little red circles on my chest now, from where the stickers where. the heart beat line and blood pressure line go flat. 

"i will be back with your doctor" he says then leaves.

"Mat? Carter? can you give mitch an i a minute?" she says.

"uh- sure" carter gives me a quick peck on the lips. then they both leave.

"mitch i gotta talk to you about something." he stands up and paces in front of my hospital bed. i sit up.

"what is it?" i know its important because whenever he starts pacing he gets nervous to talk about important stuff.

"i am just going to come out and say it" he says.

"YOUR GAY?" i shout.

he stops and looks at me "what? no!" he laughs "its about carter."

authors note- i am just going to stop and end it right there because i am an evil human being c: 

much luv <3


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