피어난 오렌지 꽃 (The Blooming Orange Flowers) - Chapter 1

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The school bell had rung, students were rushing to get out of the school.

Because it was now the weekend, after all.

A male student, Younghoon, walked down the streets near the school. Warm wind hit and messed up his fluffy brown hair. The sun was shining down on him. Flowers were starting to bloom. The grass was green, the leaves were too. Big, fluffy white clouds had covered the light blue sky.

It was a perfect spring day.

While he was taking a small walk, he noticed something different about the street. There was a new building.

"Yeojin's flower shop"

"That's cool," Younghoon muttered to himself as he stood there, thinking hard whether he should go in or not.

And after long thought, he pushed open the doors of the flower shop. A girl sitting down suddenly stood up and greeted him.

"Hi! I'm Yeojin, the owner of the flower shop! Anything you're looking for today?" she asked him as he was standing there shocked.

She was beautiful. Her glistening dark brown eyes, her flawless visuals, her stunning choice in style, everything about her was perfect.

"Uhm," he said, accidentally stuttering, "I want to get something for my mother, it's her birthday soon and I thought I could get her flowers as a side gift!"

"Got it, is there a specific colour or type of flower she likes?"

"I don't know," he said as she frowned, "But she likes the colour orange."

"Perfect, follow me!" Yeojin said, her frown long gone as she directed him over to a shelf with a bunch of bouquets of flowers.

"There's many options here, is there anything that piques your interest?" she asked him as he looked at all of the flowers.

"I'm not sure, they're all so pretty, it's hard to choose," he told her as she chuckled.

"No worries, take your time," she replied.

"Is there a flower you'd suggest?" he asked her, not knowing which one to choose since he didn't know how or what to choose.

"I'd suggest these orange flowers, they're really pretty, and they're my favourite!" she suggested.

"Is that why they're outside the building?" he asked, out of curiosity.

"Yeah..." she said slightly laughing.

"I can see why, it's very pretty, I'll buy it!" he exclaimed as he handed the bouquet to Yeojin.

"Great! I'll get that packed up for you!" she said and carefully took the bouquet out of his hands, "That'll be $9."

He handed her a $10 dollar bill and Yeojin gave him $1 in change.

"Have a great rest of your day!" she yelled.

"Thanks, you too!" he yelled back, waving at her as he walked out the door.

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