피어난 오렌지 꽃 (The Blooming Orange Flowers) - Chapter 5

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"Hello, Younghoon. It's been a while, hasn't it? I wrote this note to apologize, to apologize for my harsh words I have said to you a while ago. It's my fault, you never deserved any of that.

But I did it for you, for us.

You may think I'm mean, and I know I am. But please, just listen to me.

I will now proceed to unravel the secret I've been hiding from you. By the time you're reading this, I have already passed from cancer. I'm dead, Younghoon.

A stupid plan, my stupid plan, was to scream at you, get mad at you, and even make you hate me for life.

Because I didn't want you to feel bothered by my death.

I thought if I screamed at you, you'd get mad and eventually forget about me, so my death wouldn't hurt you as much as it would if I were still your friend.

I liked you too much, Park Younghoon. I liked you too much to see you cry right there at my death, so I decided to wait, so I wouldn't see the tears drop out of your eyes.

I'm a fool, I know.

But please, continue to live for yourself.

Live as if you're living a life for me, too.

Kind of like continuing my life, because I, myself, couldn't.

Thank you for reading, Younghoon,

I love you, forever and always.

- Choi Yeojin, your foolish best friend."

Younghoon dropped onto the floor in disbelief.

He was in despair right there, at that exact moment.

Streams after streams after streams of tears escape out of Younghoon's eyes.

He couldn't talk nor could he move.

He couldn't feel his body at all.

A wave of guilt and regret washed all over him.

If he took care of her better, would she still be here right now?

He watched the paper and the envelope drift away from him, but he didn't get up to go get it back.

He couldn't.

All of his emotions took over him.

"I love you too," he spoke, heavy breaths in between every word that was spoken, hand shaking, unable to control himself.

All of the fun they had together, they were all past memories that he couldn't experience anymore.

And the only memories left of his beloved Yeojin were the blooming orange flowers.

The End.


author notes:

didnt expect it to be angst, right?? haha

i think i wrote it in the middle of english class out of boredom and baboom, this story was formed

shouldve made a happy ending tho

anyways, i hope u enjoyed the series, i have a story in my drafts ill post soonnn (?)

- author, yoona (@yo0naaa) <3

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