피어난 오렌지 꽃 (The Blooming Orange Flowers) - Chapter 3

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"Younghoon!" Yeojin yelled, "There's an empty seat inside the cafe, do you want to go inside?"

"Sure," Younghoon agreed while nodding and heading towards the cafe.

As soon as they sat down, they started having a small conversation with each other.

"Did your mother like the flowers?" Yeojin asked him.

"Mhm," Younghoon replied as Yeojin smiled happily.

"So, how's your school life?" Yeojin asked him out of curiosity.

Younghoon was taken aback, what an unexpected question to be asked.

"It's okay, it's very tiring though."

"I get you, I'm also a university student, just not here," she told him.

"Really? That's great!" Younghoon said.

"Yeah, thanks," she chuckled.

"No problem."

An awkward silence hung between them.

"Is there a reason you sell flowers?" Younghoon asked her.

"When I was a kid, my mother used to pick flowers and sell them, she even gave me orange flowers everytime it was my birthday, but she doesn't anymore," she told him.

"Why doesn't she anymore?" Younghoon questioned in curiosity.

"She already passed away when I was 14, she passed away because of cancer, so I'm all alone now," she said, letting out a sad smile.

"What about your father?" he asked again, "Why isn't he taking care of you?"

"I don't have a father," she said.

Tears started brimming her eyes, and even Younghoon too.

"I'm so sorry for your loss.." he said, giving her tissues to wipe her tears that had escaped her eyes.

"All good, I'm used to it anyways."

Younghoon gave her a hug.

"You can cry, Yeojin, it's okay," he assured her as Yeojin cried in his arms.

"I'm so sorry for this," she apologized.

"Don't be, always feel free to open up to me," Younghoon told her, giving her a big smile filled with warmth as she nodded, indicating that she understood his statement.

And just like that, the sun was already setting.

"I think we should head home now, it's getting late, I'll hang out with you again maybe next week?" she asked Younghoon.

"Got it," he agreed.

They started heading home.

"Are you sure you want to go home with me? By the time we get there it might already be night," Yeojin asked her.

"Of course! I want you to get home safe," he told her as Yeojin smiled at him.

"You're such a gentleman," she replied to his statement as Younghoon's cheeks heated up.

Boy, Younghoon was flustered.

"Let's go?" He asked

"Let's go," she replied.

When they got to her house, she ran towards her front door.

"Thank you Younghoon!" She yelled.

"Of course," he yelled back, "Goodnight, Yeojin!"


And Younghoon left, walking back to his house while he was smiling like a fool.

피어난 오렌지 꽃 (The Blooming Orange Flowers)Where stories live. Discover now