One Trip

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I'm not one to hold onto the idea that you have to take all the grocery bags into the house in one trip, but I decorated myself in bags to get them into the house as quickly as possible. I don't think Sylvie wants to go all the way yet, seeing as Jeffery is still frolicking out in the woods somewhere, but knowing as soon as the door on our room closes, I can get my hands on her is enough to rile me up.

The second we step into the room, I wrap both my hands on the back of her thighs and lift her until her legs are resting on my hips and her back is pressed against the door. Her fingers weave through the hair on the back of my head. My head feels fuzzy and pressing my nose into her neck to capture as much of her head spinning scent as possible isn't helping any. Again, it seems like everything has faded except for her and the feel of her under my fingers. The way my focus seems to zero in onto only her when we're together is a little freaky, but I kind of love it.

I give her thighs a squeeze and run my nose up the length of her neck until my cheek is pressed against hers. "You need to tell me now exactly how far we're going before I run out of control, which will be happening any second."

"Under clothes is fine, but they stay on. I can't... we-"

"It's okay, babe. As much as I'd cry tears of joy to finally see you naked, I get it. I'm not gonna push, well, I will, but not like that."

Not wanting to waste any more breath on words, I press my hips into hers to hold her against the door, so I can slip my hands under her sweater. The skin of her waist is so soft and warm, it's honestly a miracle that I'm not just ripping it clean off. As the tips of my fingers run over each delicate rib that expand as she breathes, I take the lobe of her ear between my teeth, pinching lightly. The scent of her arousal rises up and fills my nostrils. I've barely touched her and already I'm so hard it's a miracle I haven't ripped a hole in my pants. When my fingers meat the edge of her bra, I follow the bottom of the cups around to the front so I can pull her tits free. They don't quite fill my hands, but the skin is so soft and her nipples harden against my palms. A little moan breaks free from her when I tweak both with my thumbs and her hips jump, grinding against mine. A bolt of pleasure races up my spine and I think my eyes go a little crossed.

Little hands grip my jaw and pull my face from Sylvie's neck. Her lips crash against mine messily, tongues and teeth clashing. The mood suddenly seems to change from slow, soft, and explorative to fast, hard, and wild. Sylvie moves her hands to rest on my shoulders and presses her back more firmly against the door to give her better leverage to grind her hips against mine, the pressure against my hard cock, even covered, is melting my brain. I pinch her nipples between my fingers and give them a slight tug, swallowing the resulting moan. If I don't get my hands down her pants in the next ten seconds, I'm literally going to fucking die.

Even though I don't want to, I remove my hands from under her sweater to grip her ass tightly so I can wander over to the bed, hoping I make it since our lips are still attached, my tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Somehow, I make it, half dropping her onto the bed before lowering my chest against hers. The skirts she's always wearing are a gift from god because it's so easy to sneak my hand up her bare thighs until I reach the front of her panties. The apex of her thighs is wet and warm and I want with every fiber of my being to say screw it, stick my head up her skirt, and make her scream, but alas, we don't always get what we want. Instead, I rub my palm hard against her, relishing the way her back arches up off the mattress in the most beautiful way and her jaw goes slack.

Having had enough playing around and not wanting to fuck around with these stupid panties, I just slip them down her legs and throw them somewhere over my shoulder. It's still technically under clothes, it's not like I can see anything. Unfortunately, but that's what she wants. Sadly. The second my fingers brush against warm, wet skin, all thoughts leave my head again. Under clothes, over clothes, naked, who gives a shit along as I get to touch her.

The way Sylvie looks as I rub my thumb in circles over her clit is all I hope to have permanently burned into my retinas. Her cheeks are flushed, her grey eyes are glazed over, and her teeth are biting those juicy lips of hers. Honestly, I must bust in my pants without her even touching me just from the muffled sounds she's making and the way she feels. When I press a finger into her pussy, I can imagine how good it will feel the day I can finally get in her. The tight heat wrapped around me. A condom would let me, but it wouldn't be enough to calm my instincts or claim her. My scent will linger on her skin for a while, even after this, but not more than usual, not enough to make her mine in the way that matters to werewolves. But I'll have to let this be enough.

I pull my finger out so I can replace it with two, curling them until I can find the spot that makes her legs shake, her hips lift up off the mattress, and a dangerously loud mewl slip from her lips. Just to be on the safe side because Trav's room is next to mine, I slant my lips back over hers to muffle the delicious sounds. Now that I've found it, I use my other hand to rub her clit vigorously while I abuse that little spot of spongey flesh with my fingers. I'm half aware of how I'm rutting my hips into the air, aching for some kind of pressure. Like she read my mind, Sylvie reaches one of her hands down, pressing her palm against the hard bulge in my jeans and locks her arms to give me something to press against while she massages it slightly with her fingers.

A few more thrusts is just enough to throw her over the edge, her pussy clamping down on my fingers and a long, quiet cry escaping her. As her muscles tense, her fingers slip and her palm presses hard enough against my aching dick that I cum so hard and so fast in my jeans I barely feel the tingle at the bottom of my spine warning me. We're both shaking and I barely pull my fingers from her before I'm collapsing on top of her like my limbs are made of jelly. Sylvie melts into the mattress with a sigh and I rest my head against her chest. The cups of her bra are still pulled down below her tits so I get a nice squishy pillow to rest against while I recover from the greatest orgasm of my life so far. And this was only one of her hands and over my jeans. I might embarrassingly blow my load if she so much as breathes on my bare cock next time. Jesus, why didn't we do this a week ago?

"You okay, babe?" I ask, my voice a little muffled by her boobs.

"Yeah. How about you, honey, you okay?"

"I'm fantastic."

Sylvie rests her hands on the back of my head and scratches her fingernails against my scalp, goosebumps rising on my skin and a little shudder running down my spine. "Did you... well, in your pants?"

"You can say it, babe, and yes, and we will not breathe a word of it to anyone. Ever."

My head rises up and down as she laughs a little before pressing her nose against the top of my head. "You should go clean up, it can't be comfortable."

"Are you kidding? This is the most comfortable I've been in my entire life." They may not be the biggest, but her titties are so soft. I could live and die on these things.

"Alright, Casanova, go shower."

"Fine, just don't go anywhere. I want my pillows back."

I grab a change of clothes and a towel and head to the shower across the hall. I don't bother washing my hair since I did that this morning, but I wash off quickly so I can hurry back to Sylvie before she decides to keep someone company or go help with the babies. Sometimes I hate how well she gets along with everyone. After I throw my clothes on, I hurry back to my room carrying my towel and dirty clothes so I can wash them and no one will know what happened.

Sylvie is thankfully still laying on the bed, but her panties are gone from the floor, and I know she put them back on. Lame. There's a slight tinge of sex in the air, but not bad enough to escape my room. Once again I prevail at making everyone else the butt of my jokes and escaping the same fate myself. I think I get a little bit of a high when I can make fun of other people and they can't do the same back. Okay, there's no think about it. I do, I totally do.

I collapse back down on Sylvie, making sure to brace myself just enough not to knock the wind out of her. Sticking my face between her tits, I shake my head back and forth, making obnoxiously exaggerated sounds. Her fingers go back in my hair, scratching the nape of my neck. I think a nap is in order now. I wrap my arms around her waist and lift myself up before turning us so she's straddling me. Sylvie presses her ear against my chest and relaxes into me with a content little sigh.

As Sylvie's breathing slows, I feel a certainty down to the marrow in my bones that this is the woman I'm going to be dead and buried next to one day. And if Jeffery plans to take her from me, I'll kill him myself.

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