Abraham Lincoln Riding a T-Rex

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Being stuck in the hospital sucked. Maybe it was being stuck in the hospital or maybe it was the fact I couldn't even roll over in bed without feeling like I might puke up a kidney. I actually almost did the first time I stood up because if I didn't pee my bladder was going to explode and like hell I was going to be catheterized. My dick goes in things, not things going in my dick. No fucking thank you.

Sylvie stayed with me the entire time, worrying around the hospital room like a mother hen. Mom brought her an entire duffel full of stuff for the both of us and I had to ask why she didn't throw the kitchen sink in too. I was only there for a few days, not being imprisoned indefinitely. Women are weird.

I spent most of my time whining like a baby and trying to convince Sylvie that I was well enough to get a little frisky and definitely no one would walk in on us if we did. It didn't work any, but I can't be faulted for trying. I was bored out of my skull and staring at the ceiling was only entertaining for so long before I just kind of wanted to scratch my own eyes out. Mom brought books and puzzles, but sitting still for even fifteen minutes makes me feel itchy. Sylvie kept threatening to handcuff me to the bed. I kept telling her not to threaten me with a good time. It didn't go over very well, but I felt like a little caged so I can't be blamed for acting out.

The day I got out of the hospital, I would've kissed the asphalt in the parking lot if it hadn't been for the fact I couldn't bend over without my head feeling like my brain was going to start leaking out of my ears. Sylvie tried to convince me we should go back to my parents for a while but having two people constantly hovering around me like flies sounded fucking awful. It wasn't hard to convince Sylvie to take me back to our little apartment over the bakery after I told her it was a lot closer to the hospital.

My cousins have finally come around to redo the wiring for the kitchen and put in the counters and appliances. It's been a few days since I've been out of the hospital. Bright lights still kind of make my head hurt and I get pulsing headaches once in a while, but I don't feel like hurling every time I stand so that's a plus. I can probably manage shifting, but Sylvie keeps telling me not to because she doesn't want me stressing myself. Too damn bad because I'm finding out tonight if she's pregnant and there's not a fucking thing she can do to stop me.

When we were younger, my cousins and I used to be a lot closer. Our dads are brothers and we used to spend a lot of time together. But when we were teenagers my uncle moved their business over to Kennewick, Washington. We saw them at family reunions and things, but the two-and-a-half-hour drive made it difficult to see each other as often. I saw them when they were working on Trav's house, but I was strong armed into going to Spokane and then I was busy wooing a certain auburn-haired southern woman.

Dallas, Mike, and Uncle Carl are cooped up in the kitchen, putting new outlets in and new wires for all the many shiny appliances Sylvie's been buying. I have no clue about half the shit they're doing, but I trust Uncle Carl to do it right. He and Dad built the house I grew up in, so he has to know what he's doing. I don't really trust Mike though because he's a little shit. It has nothing to do with the fact he keeps looking at Sylvie's ass when she walks by. Nothing at all.

Okay, I kind of want to gouge his eyes out, but whatever.

Sylvie's in the lobby trying to decide on furniture to put in there with my Aunt Lena. Aunt Lena always wanted girls, but got stuck with two boys instead. She's always doted on Evie and it's now extended to Val and Sylvie. Val always looks a little uncomfortable, but she's got all her issues with accepting affection from anyone who isn't Mom or Trav. Sylvie eats it up because her parents weren't close with their siblings, so she never had aunts and uncles growing up.

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