★彡 2 彡★

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(Aimie (Y/n's) pov))

The girls and I worked hard, and were given a break for Christmas and new years.

I celebrated my 24th birthday in New York, and then we all came back to Korea.

Currently, I was in the studio with Haneul, we were working on some songs for our new album.

"When did the girls say they would be here? We really need to start recording.." I turned to Hanuel, watching as she added some finishing touches on the beat of one of the songs.

"They said they were ten minutes away, so they shouldn't be much longer." She informed me without looking up from her laptop.

Right on cue, the door to the studio opened, and Issi, Nabi, and Daisy spilled into the room, setting down their bags.

"Sorry! Jiah Unnie had to drop off some paperwork downstairs and we helped her out, we didn't think it would take long." Iseul explained.

"its ok, you're here now, so let's get started." I said.

Haneul looked up. "Ok, I'm thinking for the first song, we should have Daisy open the song, she'll also have a rap, this will be a Japanese song, it's out first time having a Japanese title track, lets make it good!"

We all nodded and put our hands in the middle. "Unreal, we are Ethreal!"


"Emphasize that more can you do that? The pronunciation is a bit off right now." Haneul coached Iseul, who was struggling with her parts.

Daisy and Nabi were very helpful with our Japanese song, Daisy was born in Japan, and Nabi was half Japanese, so it was very helpful, they were giving Iseul some tips as well.

"How about we take a break Issi? Let Aimie start, she hasn't recorded anything yet." Haneul suggested.

Iseul sighed and nodded. She took off her headphones and stepped out of the booth, plopping down on the sofa.

"It's okay Issi, you'll get it soon." Nabi ruffled Iseul's hair and kissed her forehead.

I went into the booth, putting my headphones on and signaling to Haneul that I was ready with a thumbs up.

The track started playing through my headphones, and I sang along to my lines, but without a few mess ups.

I had to redo a few parts, but it didn't go too bad.

Once I was done, Nabi went in and I helped Iseul with her lines.

Soon, we were done recording all the songs, by the time we were done it was 2 in the morning.

Nabi was halfway asleep, and Daisy was knocked out on the couch.

"Daisy, c'mon we're going home." I shook her awake. She groaned, but got up and lazily grabbed her bag.

We all walked out of the studio and quietly through the halls of the company building.

"Do you guys hear that?" I stopped upon hearing music coming from one of the practice rooms.

"No?" Iseul said.

"No one hears anything, we're all just sleep deprived and we wanna get home." Daisy rolled her eyes, she's moody when she's tired.

"Wait, I hear it." Nabi furrowed her eyebrows and walked with me towards he room, the others trailed behind.

We pushed open the door.

Inside was a trainee, I didn't know her name but I recognized her..She was the trainee of the month, and had been for a while. She was also the younger sister of one of the other contestants from our survival show days.

She was also popular because she was half Indian and half Korean, like her sister. She was the second Indian trainee to ever be accepted into C5, our entertainment label.

She was dancing to Wannabe by Itzy, she was doing a great job.

Once she started the dance break, all of us looked at each other in amazement, she was good, really good.

When she was done, we all erupted into claps, but we weren't too loud, given the fact that it was almost 3 am.

The trainee turned around, bowing intensely, startled by our presence.

"Oh, were you guys there the entire time?" She fiddled nervously.

"Yeah, you were great!" Hanuel smiled.

"Yeah, I definitely see why you've been trainee of the month for like, ever!" I said.

She opened her mouth in shock, before closing it abruptly. "You know me?"

I nodded. "Not your name, but I've seen you around the building, and I also know your sister, Erica, she was in the survival show Cosmic five with us! We were very close and trained together." I explained.

"Yes! Erica has talked about you plenty of times, I watched her and you guys on the show! I'm a big fan..My name's Arya by the way!" She bowed once more.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you Arya, we're Ethreal, but you already know that." I laughed a bit, Arya did too.

Daisy spoke up for the first time, "Why are you practicing this late? You're young, you should be getting all the sleep your tiny body needs!"

Arya pursed her lips, "I just wanted to practice, I can't keep up my legendary trainee title if I'm rusty."

"Yes, but you need to rest! It's very important." Nabi said.

Arya nodded.

"Do you need a ride to your house" I asked.

Her eyes widened. "Oh no, I couldn't do that! I can just walk, it's really no trouble."

"Nonsense, come on, we'll take you home." I said.

Arya hesitated, but nodded. She picked up her bags, grabbed her phone, and tossed on her hoodie, then followed us out the door.

Me and Haneul had driven to the company earlier, so we didn't need to call a cab since we had our car.

Haneul and Daisy sat in the front, while Iseul, Nabi, Arya and I squished in the back. The car only had five seats, two in the front and three in the back, but Arya was small, so it wasn't too cramped.

"Where to?" Haneul asked Arya.

Arya gave her the address and Haneul typed it into the gps.

The car ride was mostly silent, but s peaceful one.

A few minutes later we reached an apartment complex.

Arya stepped out of the car. "Thank you guys for the ride, I really appreciate it!"

"Of course! You need us to come up there with you?" Iseul asked.

"No, I'll be okay, my sister, Erica should be home, so I'll be fine." She said.

"Ok, you tell Erica we said hi!" I said.

She nodded and waved goodbye before walking into the building.

"Finally let's go homeee, I'm TIRED." Iseul groaned, leaning onto my shoulder.

★彡 ETHREAL 彡★(Kpop girl group AU) (Stray kids AU)Where stories live. Discover now