Spells and charms

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The next morning

You wake up on the floor of Claire's shop Claire still passed out, laying underneath you,withered purple flakes litter, the floor.

Claire was back to our normal size and her hair was a mess along with her blouse, being ripped open, exposing her breast.

You get up, not really knowing what happened last night and figured this must have had something to do with her potion.

But then a thought occurred to you that when you took a closer look at the flakes and realized that they were somewhat the same as your peak marks.

You thought to yourself, as you remembered your mother explaining to you and star it was mostly for star because only mumans with magic went through this.

You saw the cat witch, begin to wake up, and as she opened her eyes and sat up and from one look around the place, she turned to you.

Claire: I'm not cleaning this mess up.
She said, folding her arms.

Claire: i'm gonna go take a shower you clean this mess up.
She said, getting up off the floor and dusting the flakes off of her.

Y/n: fair.
You say defeat.

Claire: and you're making me breakfast.


Claire's mood seem to take a 180 as she gives a toffee grin before walking off.

An hour later

We now see Claire and you sitting in a sort of rustic kitchen her scarfing down hashbrowns, bacon, eggs.

Claire: aren't.. you gonna have any.
She said in between bites.

Y/n: no, I got to save room for breakfast at my place. My mom will find it suspicious if I don't eat whatever she's making.

Claire: so it's gonna take me a while to get the stuff you asked for a day or two at most.

Y/n: wow that's that sooner than I thought.

Claire: what are you making? Anyway, I haven't gotten an order like this.
She said finishing up her eggs.

Y/n: well, I guess I could share this with you.
You say pulling out the Thor comic book from your jacket and handing it over to Claire.

Claire looked over the comic book and flipped through the pages.

Claire: seriously?
She said, tilting her head.

Claire: do you really think you can make something like this?
She said, placing the comic in the middle of the table.

Y/n: it will be a challenge, but one that I'm willing to take.
You say grabbing the comic and stuffing it back in your jacket.

Y/n: at any rate, I should be going now. See you soon.
You say, opening up a portal and walking through.

                          The secret layer

You were looking over your other creations that you made using your wand.

One is a necklace that warded off curses.

One is a necklace that warded off curses

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Claire has one too.

Another one is the boots you wear that prevented you from making any sounds you would make.

And then finally there was this box you named the cat box.

If you put your hand on the box, then say someone's name, the gem will light up then when you open the box, it sucks the person in trapping them in a pocket dimension with no light regulation of ever being sucked in and everything looks the same b...

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If you put your hand on the box, then say someone's name, the gem will light up then when you open the box, it sucks the person in trapping them in a pocket dimension with no light regulation of ever being sucked in and everything looks the same but goes their way.

This box was obviously your latest and greatest invention, but it did give you some existential crisis, not knowing if you were in the box or not sometimes.

You were confident that you could make your hammer all it needed was the right ingredients along with a few spells like enhancement strength and durability, along with a summoning spell to summon amazing armor, and finally levitation spell giving you flight as for summoning it to your hand, it would require the combination of the levitation spell and linking it to your soul and preventing others from being able to use it.

And with large amount of power constantly going throwing through you it should prevent you from aging any further.

As for the lightning, that's a result of one of the ingredients

It would be tough to enchant a single thing with all these spells, but under the right conditions and with the right material, you were confident.

Besides, you were always intricate person. while your sister, on the other hand was to your annoyance more more powerful but her spells seem to be unstable compared to yours.

You then look over at the clock on the wall, and saw that it was nearly 9 AM

Y/n: shit.
You said, you said quickly, placing your wand back into its hiding place, and then bolting out of the room.

Dining room

The royal dining room was a typical looking fancy room with a long table with chairs on all sides.

You come in in a hurry and quickly sit down next to your mother, who had been waiting patiently for it patiently along with your father.

River: what took you so long my boy. We've been waiting for 10 minutes.

Moon: I've been waiting for 10 minutes. You've already finished your plate.

River: I'm still here aren't I?
He said, crossing his arms.

Moon rolled her eyes at her husband's response and turn back towards you.

Moon: but what did took you so long?

Y/n: oh, sorry I slept in.

River: having trouble sleeping my boy?

Moon: if that is the case, then I shall tuck you in at night like when you were little.

Y/n: that won't be necessary.

Moon: I have already decided.
She said, before digging into her breakfast.

You grown and really before digging into your own, food not noticing your Moon looking over at you lovingly every now and then.

End of capture

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