Realization Hits

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I follow the moth down some stairs and pass the crashed boats on the floor to a bench. The moth lights up the candle and jumps into the seat. I hesitantly join them and wait for them to speak.

"You IDIOT!" they screech at me. I'm a bit taken aback. Their eyes before seemed fragile, much more fragile than they are now. Now, they're filled with anger. "What did you do?"

"Why are you asking me?" I try to brush off the question, but they're smarter than that.

"The door shut after you at first. It wouldn't open again. Plus, you were running the other way! You were suspicious. I went to follow you, and now this door won't open either! You did something, and you're going to tell me NOW!" they barked. I couldn't respond. I didn't have a good lie to satisfy this kid, so I remained silent. "I knew it. You've just put this world in great danger!" they screeched. I roll my eyes.

"You don't know that. Nobody knows that!"

"Look how it's already affecting us!" they wave their arm to the door.

"It might have just malfunctioned like this world always does. Give it a break. It'll start working soon," I try to brush off their worries, but they just continue to glare.

"Yeah, I bet. We need to speak to the Vault Spirits about this."

I scoff. "I'd prefer not to hear them ramble on and on about things. Besides, I've asked them plenty about Eden before; they're practically clueless! You need to calm down."

"Psh! If this world falls apart, you can bet I'm going to find and haunt you!" they threatened. I blow air through my lips in response.

"Who even are you?" I question. They hop off the bench and stomp off to the return shrine and sit, vanishing from sight. Well, that happened.

I also step off the bench and follow their footsteps to the return shrine. Before I sit, I glance back at the darkened door behind me. The dark eyes of the carved faces of the Elder's eyes staring at me make me feel a twinge of guilt and consider checking it out, but I brush it off and look away. I did what I did for a reason. I don't need to regret it. Right?

I sit on my legs and place my hands delicately on my lap. I bow and close my eyes, praying for the shrine to take me away. Quickly, my consciousness flows from my body and I am teleported back home; to the Aviary Village.


I'm still getting used to this wonderful village. I'm not used to returning to a place bountiful and full of life. Don't get me wrong, I still adore the old Home area and visit frequently, but this area has more potential. I get to see Spirits with nothing better to do, scurry around and occupy themselves, giving every child they see a wave. Shops that allow you to inquire about and decide on purchases with little thought given to how many candles you have left in your pocket. Bright clouds, fresh green grass. Though, I don't consider this area my home. This is just where I decided for the return shrines to take me. My real home is within the enchanting Daylight Prairie.

Sky kids all around collectively choose their places to stay. We don't have specific housing because we don't need it. We can find a place to sit to rest until we're ready to go elsewhere. Yet, within those Realms, the Spirits are practically teachers to us. They shape our minds with ideas and facts to help us become our true selves and prepare us for Eden.

I'm standing now at the beginning of the Village, taking in a deep breath. Much more peaceful. I stroll through the grass around the fountain and bask in the scenery. Butterflies, friendly children, fireworks, and lights. I wave as Spirits chase each other past me and walk up to the Revival Guide. I call her Rivicen. I give her a quick hug.

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