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Chapter Sixteen (Jealousy)


“Food,” Shikamaru mumbled as he dropped the small platter before the prisoner.

“Well aren’t you friendly,” Sasuke droned as he waited for his hands to be untied. He looked up at Shika expectantly. He scoffed.

“I’m not that stupid. You can eat with your face. There’s no way I’m untying you so you can escape.”

Sasuke saw his opportunity. “Really,” he said, “well then maybe I should call Naomi to feed me…”

His suggestion pinched Shika in just the right spot. Shika tensed as his flesh crawled at the thought of it.

“We’re really close like that. You know she’s even treated my wounds when I was injured? And let’s just say they were in some of the more…intimate…areas.”

That one definitely struck a nerve. He watched in sadistic satisfaction as Shikamaru ground his teeth together and shook with rage. Just one more prod and he’d be sent over the edge.

“I’m sure she’d be happy to feed me. She’s a very kind and affectionate girl, not to mention loyal. It wouldn’t be that hard to take advantage of her, especially since I make her so nervous. Have you ever seen her blush? I see it on almost a daily basis. It’s adorable.”

“Stop it,” Shikamaru threatened with a vicious snarl accompanied by a vicious glare.

“Oh, but you’re too chivalrous to do that, right? I’m not. I’m not above pushing her on her back, getting on top of her, and—”

“Shut up,” he hissed, finally snapping like a rubber band pulled to the longest tension. His hand curled around the Uchiha’s throat as he clenched his free hand into a tight fist and aimed it at pretty boy’s face. His grip around Sasuke’s neck was so rigid that his knuckles began to turn white, as did Sasuke’s skin.

Though he emitted no fear, no anxiety, Sasuke did release a small gasp as he struggled for air and his vision blurred at the edges. His own fingers shot up to attempt to pry his assailant’s death grip from him, but he got no further than yanking at his restraints that he had so foolishly forgotten about.

For a brief moment, he believed that he would actually lose consciousness from the amount of power behind Shikamaru’s fury, but the door slid open before his eyes fluttered close.

“Shika, what are you doing?!” Naomi whispered, eyeing him with what he could only describe as pure, unadulterated terror. Her legs wobbled as they dragged her towards the scene, wrenching the marauder’s latched hands from the victim’s bruised throat and allowing Sasuke to drop wheeze and gulp for breath.

“He was bad-mouthing you, Naomi. He was talking about you like…like…I don’t even know! But I couldn’t stand it! I wasn’t going to stand by and listen to him! I wasn’t going to take it!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2013 ⏰

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