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He noticed her growing fear and pulled her into his arms. “Don’t look so worried, Nay. I won’t be able to do it if you make that kind of face. Everything will be fine.”

The tent rustled so softly and so inaudibly that neither had time to pull away. When she finally managed to turn, the puzzled eyes of the Uchiha boy stared down at her with confliction.


She reached out in such a way that at first, Sasuke believed she was to embrace him. But in that last moment, when her expression emitted such torn agony and confusion, a stray tear managed to escape her.

“I’m sorry.”

She brought her hand over his face, and his world descended into darkness.


Naomi, he dreamed, what a bitch.




“He won’t speak to me.” Naomi pouted with remorse as she entered the kitchen. Shikamaru slid a plate of food in front of her and filled her mug with coffee.

“He’s our prisoner, Nay. Stop trying to socialize with him.”

“It’s been three days. Three. Whole. Days. I feel terrible.” She buried her head in her arms as he laid a gentle hand on her head.

“Relax, everything will be okay.”

“That’s what you said about kidnapping Sasuke, and now we’re forced to hide out in your apartment like refuges.”

The village hadn’t exactly forgiven Naomi yet. The ones that did still harbored mixed feelings about her. Being fearful and cautious, Naomi decided to stay cooped up in Shikamaru’s apartment until this all blew over. She also visited Sasuke daily. Well, more like hourly.

“I think I might go insane. I’m going to kill myself.”

Shikamaru eyed her from his spot at the table. “Then go talk to him. Even if he won’t respond, he has no choice but to listen to you. His hands and feet are chained, anyways.”

Just as she forced herself groggily from the chair, his hand whipped out to grab hers.

“No,” he bargained, “eat first. Visit later. You’ve already lost three pounds.”

He hadn’t even finished his request when Naomi began to stuff her mouth. A feeling of jealousy wrenched his heart.

“Thanks for the meal. Bye, Shika!” she called over her shoulder from the doorway.

[Dropped] Too Smart For My Own Good (Shikamaru Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now