Chapter 1

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Jasmine rolled her head to the side. She lifted up and immediately dropped it into her pillow. Great, another day at school, she thought. It was already two weeks after school had started and Jasmine hadn't gotten used to the time to wake up. Nobody hasn't. She slowly dragged herself out of bed and brushed her teeth with her eyes half closed. She took a nice hot shower and rinsed herself with cold water to wake her up. She wrapped herself with a towel and just sat there for a couple of minute until she got used to the coldness. After, Jasmine dressed herself. Nothing flashy. Just a GAP hoodie that was dark blue over a red t-shirt and jeans. She brushed her hair and tied it into a pony tail in the back. Last, she placed on her big-rimmed glasses. For breakfast, she ate a sandwich and immediately left for school, listening to her iPod on the bus. That was her routine from the beginning of the school till the end.

When she arrived to school, the first thing any student would was to stop by his or her locker. She packed her things for Chemistry and headed for the library. She would find a table and begin reviewing something. Whether it was a piano score, vocabulary, or checking her homework. She would always be working.

"Work hard, play hard" the phrase was always what Jasmine lived by. The words were said by her uncle, who worked a somewhat stable job. He wasn't the first to say it, but she first heard it from him. To her uncle, it seems that Jasmine work hard and don't play hard enough. "Only until I graduate from college and have a job more stable than you, Uncle," she would always reply whenever her uncle said that.

From the corner of her eye, she could see the most popular guy, Michael, or more known as Mickey, flirting a bunch of girls with guys surrounding him. Teachers usually have a soft spot for him because he is the son of a CEO of some company. Jasmine never understood why he was so popular. Maybe it's just because his family is rich and he would inherit a lot of money. 

Jasmine sighed and noticed she wasn't studying. She quickly buried her face in the Chemistry book until the warning bell rang. She packed her stuff and walked towards the door where some people were always pushing and shoving to get through. Someone bumped into her and it was popular person. 95% of the time, it would be one of Mickey's friend and as always, it would be her fault. 

"I'm sorry," she apologized in a quiet voice, but loud enough for him to hear her. She pushed her glasses up her nose bridge as she looked down. He didn't say anything in reply. He looked at her and continued the conversation he was having with his friends.

She made her way to science hall and walked into class. She was usually the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. She read her book, waiting for the bell to ring again as the students came flooding in and the last student who came in right after the bell had rung was Mickey.

"Just this once," Mrs. Roberts warned and everyone, including Mickey knew that it won't be 'just this once'. She began to start the lesson with the periodic table, pointing to the poster which was on the board and saying everyone had to memorize it and there would be a quiz on it.

Luckily for Jasmine, she had already memorized it. She hadn't noticed before until her eyes unconsciously looked down and saw a pair of feet until the table.  What the heck? she thought. No one sits next to me. Why would anyone sit next to me? When she turned, she saw Mickey's face, half asleep and not paying attenion to anything in particular. She noticed that when Mickey came in, all the seats were taken, except for the one next to her. She prayed that these seats weren't pernament because she knew that Mickey would make the worst science partner. 

As if on cue, poison shot through her ears. "I hope you like where you sit because these are going to be pernament seats until the end of school," Mrs. Roberts announced. 

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