The Most Beautiful Demon in All of Hell

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Alastor's POV (First person)

Ah, Hell. Nothing like it.

Fear, blood, and violence are some of its best qualities. Although those are the only ones, I still like to think that there is more to the God-forsaken hell-hole than meets the eye.

But what do I know? I have it easy. Alastor, the Radio Demon. I have it good, people fear me, I'm powerful, and I have everything I will ever need. And yet...not everything I want.

I feel empty, a sort of pit in my stomach, a hole in my heart, however you wanted to put it.

I'm running out of things for entertainment. Sure, I had the laughable idea of a hotel that the dear princess came up with, but even then I'm beginning to feel bored with it and it's only been a month or two. No demon wants to get rehabilitated, let alone leave this wasteland.

I find myself finding all sorts of reasons to leave the hotel. From running errands to attending overlord meetings. I'm starting to become desperate it seems. And it is not because I am "afraid" or anything of the sort, it's merely the fact that if I had spent one more minute in a room with Angel I would have killed him. So Charlie gave me the ok to leave to "clear my head". In reality, I just wanted to leave that place.

Being the Radio Demon had its perks, that meant that no one would even come near me unless they were just asking to get slaughtered.

But today was different, strange even. The streets seemed almost empty.

Strange, not a soul in sight. I thought to myself, continuing to walk along the streets.

I looked up into the sky, not sure what I was looking for but it could be possible that I had just missed an extermination day but I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. Charlie would have warned me, would have stopped me from leaving, and it would have at least been on the news.

Then what then? I thought to myself.

Suddenly I bumped into something, or someone.

I quickly looked down and sure enough, I had bumped into a young woman.

"Excuse me," she said, not even looking back as she only continued to walk.

Her voice was beautiful, soft like silk, almost like velvet. Her voice was deep for a woman, almost...captivating.

I just stood there, frozen as the two words she had said rang through my ears.

Suddenly something shiny caught my eye, a tube of lipstick just lying on the pavement.

She must have dropped it.

I carefully picked it up and looked up at the direction she went, but she was gone.

I quickly made my way down the street, looking all around for the girl. But she was nowhere in sight.

Instead of looking for her on foot, I snapped my fingers hoping to teleport and find her.

When I landed in a different place than before, something bumped into me.

"Oh, you again?" the same beautiful voice had said, causing me to look down.

Only I shouldn't have, for she was absolutely breathtaking.

Beautiful red eyes framed with long black eyelashes, seemingly-soft blood red hair that seemed to fade to a darker red, a small pink clip holding her hair out of her face, two deer-like ears that rested on her head, freckles all along her cheeks and along her nose, and a black choker along her neck. And although her skin was pale, her cheeks still had a rosy color to them. She was wearing a short red dress, that went to her mid thigh and although is was already short enough it still had a small slit on her left leg, a laced leg garner purposefully placed to be seen. A belt wrapped around her waist, a small crystal hanging from it. The dress seemed tight, hugging her figure perfectly. Not to mention most of her chest was exposed, made me wonder how she managed to stay warm.

Nothing but Heartbreak (Alastor X OC/Female Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz