Nice to Meet You

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Scarlet's POV (Somewhere on the streets of Hell):

I'm exhausted.

I can only use my teleportation once a day, and I already used it when I got away from the Radio Demon. So now I had to walk to the hotel.

Vox didn't give me a car -surprise, surprise-  and I hated taking cabs. Every time I took a cab, I would end up killing the cab driver for trying to kidnap me. Or something along those lines.

So now I was walking IN HIGH HEELS, carrying two heavy suitcases, and not to mention that I had absolutely NO idea where I was. I was lost in Hell...I have no idea what to do.

Vox tried to give me directions, but...I cannot read his handwriting for the life of me. It's like trying to make out the drawing that a 2-year-old drew.

At first I thought was to call Vox, but I quickly shut that idea down. Instead of getting a ride, he would probably just give me a good smack to the face. Then I thought I could hitchhike, but again...bad idea. So instead, I just decided that I should just sit down until I came up with a plan.

So the at the next bench, I sat down with my stuff while trying to come up with a plan.

Suddenly, the sound of thunder roared.

Shit, not now!

Sure we didn't get much weather in Hell, but when we did it all went to....well Hell. The weather mostly consisted of hellquakes, fire tornados, and rain. The rain could be the worse of those three believe it or not. There was too different types of rain: acid or heavy, powerful, flooding, nescience of rain. If you can't already tell, it was the second type of rain. And I would rather have the acid rain.

I sighed, looking as all the demons around me left to take shelter.

Luckily, the bench I was sitting at actually was on of those benches that had the roofs over it. Yay (that was sarcastic, so no yay).

Suddenly, a thought came to me giving me hope.

It isn't raining yet! Maybe I can make it to gas station or something, before the rain starts to-

As if on que, the rain started coming down. Hard.


I growled, crossing my arms over my chest.

Cold, of all days to wear a short dress. FUCK!

A gust of cold, wet wind hit me in the face.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

When I pulled it out, I saw a text from Angel.


Without even looking at the text, I quickly dialed his number.

He picked up the phone after 3 rings.

"Oh, someone's eager~" he flirted.

"What are you talking about Angel?" I said in confusion.

"I'm talking about the super hot text I just sent you. Did you even look at at?" He said very dramatically.

I took the phone away from my ear, looking at the text he sent me.

Angel: Miss you babe! Why don't you come over and we can have some fun~

I placed the phone back on my ear, before answering.

"Well I see it now." I said, earning a groan from Angel.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Well if that's not it, then why did you call me?" he asked, sounding more confused than ever.

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