Chapter One: A Stranger in Her Bed

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Keena Ectorius, the high enchantress of Oob, woke up with a stranger in her bed.

This wasn't abnormal for Keena- she often found herself in this predicament. After all, she got lonely sometimes. She was the best enchantress in all the realms. She had money and acclaim. The success that many coveted. She could have anyone in her bed that she desired.

Part of that was everyone she wanted falling right between her thighs. The shifter in her bed was no different. They had approached her at the nightly bonfire, looking for an answer to the curse set upon them by a vengeful ex-girlfriend. Keena struck a deal with them; a night spent ravishing one another in exchange for the curse being lifted.

Keena looked over at the shifter, wracking her brain for a name. Kaer? Karr? No... Kaera! That was it. They were rather cute, cheek smushed against her satin pillowcase. It was too bad Keena didn't believe in love, or anything of the sort.

The only things in life that mattered to Keena were pleasure, fun, and Oob. Love had no place in between. Although Kaera was an excellent lover with the prettiest moan Keena had ever heard, nothing was ever going to happen between them.

Sighing, Keena sat up and began thinking of preparations to lift the curse. She would need to visit the apothecary for leaves from the Tree of Life, although nothing could beat traveling to the west forests to collect them herself. Kaera needed the curse lifted sooner rather than later, and Keena assumed they would appreciate the haste.

Kaera stirred next to Keena, opening one eye to study her.

"G'morning," Croaked the disheveled shifter. "What's for breakfast?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to figure that out on your own," Keena quirked a brow, looking back at the red-haired shifter. "This isn't a bed and breakfast, as you know."

Kaera laughed, good-humored as always.  "Thanks again for making a deal with me. I trust you had fun last night?" The shifter bit their bottom lip, tilting their head. Kaera was always looking to be praised. Keena found it adorable.

"So eager for praise," Keena purred. "Yes, you were a very, very good puppy."

"Watch that," Kaera growled, their cheeks flushed. They stretched their legs out, dropping them over the side of the bed. The shifter was so tiny that their feet didn't even touch the fuzzy purple carpet beneath them.

"Ah, but how it makes you react..."

Kaera pulled themselves off the bed, frowning as they located their outfit from the night before. It was morning, and the sheer gown with bunches of leaves covering their more "private" areas would be wholly inappropriate to be seen in the day. Especially when families would be making their way to worship the sun gods soon.

Keena stood, tossing the shifter a soft white cotton dress. "I'm afraid I don't have any shoes to offer you. I believe my size is a bit too large to fit you."

Kaera plucked the dress out of the air, and Keena admired them as they shimmied it on. Though it was a tad too big, it suited the shifter.

"I'll see you in two days with a potion. You'll drink it once every day for five days," Keena spoke, watching as Kaera struggled to put on a quite precarious-looking pair of heels. "And hopefully you'll no longer take the form of a frog when you want to be a big, bad wolf."

The shifter blushed to the hue of their hair but nodded sharply. "Thank you."

"Thank you for being perfect last night. Now, if you'll see yourself out, I'll begin the preparations for your potion."

Keena turned to get ready and heard the door close as Kaera left. Smiling, she went to take a shower.

She stood before the mirror over her sink, a pretty glided flourished thing. She studied herself, admiring the way her black curls fell down her back. The way her green eyes caught the light. They were her mother's eyes, and she was proud to have them. They were framed by thick, dark eyelashes, and in a shape that resembled a clever cat. Keena dropped her robe, cupping her breasts in her hands.

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