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I wait calmly at the door, clutching my suitcase and handbag. It was a chilly morning, and the taxi had only just dropped me off.

I take a few deep breaths before sitting my suitcase down. I knock the large metal knocker on the door a few times, and then I step back.

I smooth out the wrinkles in my dress and then pick up my suitcase once more.

I hear the familiar sound of turning locks, and I look up as the door opens.

I see a tall, grey haired butler standing at the door. He looks me up and down, but doesn't speak.

"H-hello."I say.

He doesn't answer but let's out a sigh.

"You're the housekeeper, yes?"he says, his voice higher than I expected it to be from his stature.

"I am, yes. Astrid."I say, showing him the badge from my cleaning company.

He sighs again.

"I suspected they were sending a man. Oh well, right this way Ms. Astrid."he says before stepping out of the way.

I look into the house, seeing the large foyer and the attached hallway.

I step in, allowing him to close the door.

"My name is Andrew. I'm the head butler, there are 3 more you will soon meet. I shall explain to you your position as I assist you to your quarters."he says, plucking my bag and suitcase from my hands.

"Okay, thank you." I say as we begin walking.

"Sir Milton is in the dining room right now. He has an 8 year old son, William, he spends most of his day at school. Your service was requested because Sir Milton has become a bit.."Andrew says hesitantly.

"....unbothered."he says.

"Oh. Is everything alright?"I ask.

Andrew only nods.

"You're to start after the dinner service. You will be served dinner, but you are responsible for cleaning your own and Sir Milton's dishes."he says, turning the corner and walking down the hall till he reaches a small door.

He pulls out a set of keys and then uses one to unlock the small door.

"This is the maids quarters."he says, opening the door.

"You are to use this passage way to maneuver between bedrooms. You will be given the grand tour by Stephen after the dinner service."he says, ducking into the small room.

I quickly follow after him as he professionally moved through the maze like hall. He stops and then turns to face me before pointing to the wall behind him.

"See this here?"he points to the symbol of a red triangle on the wall and I nod.

"Every room you see with this red triangle you must clean. And the room right here-"he says, walking away from the door with the red triangle.

He comes to one with a blue circle on the door and opens it, taking my bags inside. I follow and enter a nice looking bedroom.

"This is your room. No time to unpack, Stephen should've been here 93 seconds ago."He says, looking at his stop watch.

"What?"I question.

Suddenly a young man hurriedly enters the room.

"Sorry mate I was having a hard time fitting through that fuckin door Christ, got to make it wider for the men."he says, fixing his jacket.

Andrews eye roll was almost audible besides me.

"You are to show Ms. Astrid around. Show her all the red rooms and then introduce her to master William."Andrew says.

"Yea, right. C'mon then love."he says, beckoning me towards him.

I hear Andrew sigh as I walk away.

"Sorry bout him, he's a bit of a sourpuss. How was your trip? Long?"Stephen questions, leading me out of the maids quarters.

"A little. I think I slept most of the way."I say.

"Ah yea, how are you liking Dublin?"he asks.

"It's rather quiet here, very nice."I say.

We suddenly walk past a large painting, a family portrait.

"Oh wow. Is that him?"I ask, stopping to look.

"Oh, yeah. That's Sir Milton, Master William. And that is Lady Serona."he says.

I look at the beautiful, happy smile on all of their faces and I get a warm feeling instantly.

"They look lovely."I say.

"Looked."he sighs.

"Looked?"I question.

"The lady of the house is no longer with us."he says.

"Oh goodness. What happened?"I ask as we begin walking around.

"Um, see that stair railing. Allllll the way up there?"he says, pausing out walk and looking up.

I look up as well and see a tall, spiraling staircase.

"I do."I say.

"Well, the story goes they were dancing and drinking. Sir Milton took a break, made himself and her another drink. Lady Serona supposedly had a few too many. Lost her football, flipped over the rail and landed on her head about right where you're standing."

I instantly step away from the spot.

"Oh my god how terrible."I say softly as we begin walking again.

Stephen nods.

"He won't allow the boy on the top floor at all. Hell, he barely allows anyone up there anymore."he says, putting his hands in his pockets as he walks.

"I-is he okay?"I question.

He goes quiet for a bit and then looks down.

"Um, let's start with the kitchen, eh?"he says, walking a bit faster.


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