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I walk with Stephen towards the service exit in the kitchen.

"So what's the market here like?"I question as I look up at Stephen.

"Just your average dock market. Fish, produce, sometimes even clothing. Sir Milton likes the product to be fresh, and he only trusts his own farmers."Stephen says as we enter the dining room.

Instantly, I see sir Milton face down on the dining table, snoozing.

"Oh goodness."I say softly, noticing the empty bottle of bourbon laying beside him.

"Um, Ms. Astrid would you mind stepping in to the kitchen for me? Just for a bit?"Stephen asks, rushing over to Sir Milton on the dining table.

"U-um, of course."I say, quickly walking into the kitchen through the swinging doors.

As I entered, I look back and see that Sir Milton was clutching something in his fist. A picture maybe? I walked away too fast to tell.

I walk towards the kitchen counter as I hear Stephen speaking.

"Sir Milton? Are you alright? Can you sit up please?"

I hear a muffled groan and then Sir Milton speaks.

"...where is William? Is he home?"

"No, sir."

I hear him stumbling a bit, and then I hear glass shatter.

"Leave it sir, leave it. I'll have the housekeeper clean it up, should I start you a refreshing shower?"

Sir Milton scoffs.

"Pour me a bourbon, and then start the shower."

I frown a bit before I hear the kitchen door open.

"Um, I'll be right down, why don't you head to the car, yeah?"Stephen says, walking over to the cut glass bottle of bourbon on the kitchen counter.

"You're only enabling him, you know."I say, causing him to snap his head back to look at me.

"...you've no idea what Sir Milton has been through, Astrid. If the bourbon is what he wants to get him through the day, he'll have it."he says before turning back to the drink tray.

"What has he been through, then?"I question causing him to sigh.

"Wait in the car for me, love."he says as he fills the glass.

I shrug slightly before turning towards the exit.


I wait a bit in the car until I see Stephen coming out of the house.

He enters the car and huffs as he sits down.

"To the market please, Philip."he says.

The car starts moving and he turns to look at me.

"Why do you ask questions like that?"he asks.

"What do you mean?"I ask.

"You've only just started working here. There's a lot about the Milton estate and the people within that you do not know."Stephen says.

"But you work here too. Why can't I know what you know?"I ask, genuinely curious.

"...it's up to Sir Milton to decide what you should and shouldn't know. He already doesn't like that you're the only woman in the house."Stephen says.

"Does sir Milton have an issue with women?"I ask.

"No-he..ugh, you with your questions."he huffs.

I furrow my brow in confusion.

"...i-... I'm not quite understanding what the problem is."I say softly.

"And I'm not quite sure how to explain it."Stephen says.

Stephen holds a large basket whilst pointing out what produce to get.

"...so sir Milton doesn't want to talk to me?"I question.

"Get some of those shallots there."Stephen says.

"You know, if we're going to be working together you should be more open. "I chuckle.

"Like I said, if sir Milton wants you to know, he'll tell you."Stephen says, causing me to smile and place a few stalks of the shallots in the basket.

"Fine then. Don't tell me about sir Milton, tell me about you."I smile.

"What about me?"he asks, smiling as well.

"What do you like? Where did you work before here? How do you like it here?"I say.

"Well, those are questions I can answer."he laughs.


Sir Milton sighs, walking up the stairs towards his son's room.

He knocks twice before opening the door.

He sees William chuckling, laughing as he quickly puts his toys and craft supplies away.

He looks up and sees his father and gasps before running to him.

"Hello father!"he says, hugging his legs.

"Hello William. What were you doing there?"he asks, picking up his son and hugging him for a bit before kneeling down with him.

"Playing a game! Ms. Astrid taught me, do you want to see daddy?"William asks as Sir Milton takes a seat on the floor.

"Of course, show me."he says.

"Okay, first I have to make a muck."he says, running to his toy chest and pulling a bucket of blocks from it.

Sir Milton smiles as he sees William instantly scatter the blocks on the floor.

"Okay daddy, now we have to pick up the red ones as fast as we can!"he says before beginning to clean the room again.

"You do know we have workers to do such things, William."Sir Milton says.

"Ms. Astrid says it's important that I learn to clean. I like Ms. Astrid."William says with a smile.

"Do you?"Sir Milton says, his smile fading.

"Mhm. She's a very nice lady daddy."


Sir MiltonWhere stories live. Discover now