Chapter 4

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" So that was the reason…" He was obviously trying to mock me.

" You should really make use of this golden opportunity to finally become good at dancing.." he continued.

William just stood beside him and smirked. I didn't notice that he was wearing a cap since this morning till now. To my surprise, IT was the exact same one as that the 'BIKE GUY' I met this morning had.

"That cap…"

"This? Pretty neat right?" The cap was navy blue with white coloured threading.

" Not bad actually. Is it like a hot item as in a new trend? I just saw someone with the same cap this morning."

William paused for a second. Francisco decided to jump into the conversation.

" It's a limited edition cap from the Black Hawks shop. There's only five of them. I've been trying to get a hold of this but this guy here took the very last one."

"What's so special about it? Isn't it just a cap?" I asked.

William took of his cap and showed it to us.

" No way! It's signed by Bolt?"

" That's why I'm so pissed at him for getting the last one but I guess it's better than having a total stranger having it. At least I can make my best friend here lend me."

He grabbed it from William and put it on. He left after that, followed by me and the others.

Yes! Art followed by Economics. The only two subjects that Fiona and her plastics weren't in the same class as me and best of all, all my girlfriends were in the same class.

" Hey, what gives, where did you go after the assembly?" said Aileen.

" I saw Raina, I thought that it'd be nice to say hello since we'll competing with each other soon."

" You didn't have to ditch us, you could have told us." Chu complained.

"I'm sorry guys."

"Is it me or do I feel that Francisco has a thing for you" says Ren while tilting her head towards Francisco that was gazing our way.

I looked at her shockingly. I couldn't believe she actually said that.

" Ren! You're supposed to be the sensible one here." I realized that I might have been a bit too loud when suddenly stopped.

" Why Miss Spencer, do you want to share your thoughts on Macroeconomics?"

I had no choice but to stand up to give my opinions. Thank goodness I revised the chapter and my dad always nags me about world economics since he's an economist himself.

" Well done Jane. I see you weren't too busy talking to Miss Everdeen here."

Everdeen is Ren's last name, just to let you know.

" How about Miss Everdeen, mind sharing your thoughts as well…"

" What she said…"


"Saved by the bell" we all thought.

"That was close, if it weren't for the bell I would have probably said something like macro means big, so macroeconomics would mean big economics."

We all blurted out laughing .I guess it wasn't such a bad way to end the day after all. I suddenly got a text from Francisco to meet him at the car park.

" Hey, guys, I gotta go, it's Francisco, he says he wants to meet up to discuss track practice.."

They looked at me with funny expressions.

Dork or Jock?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora