Chapter 9

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"Run faster, faster Jane, FASTER," I told myself over and over again desperately trying to surpass Raina.

" Almost there, almost there," I told myself again.

And I finally reached the finishing line. BUT.

" Congratulations to Raina of Team Shamrock and Jane and Christina of Team Marigold for getting silver and bronze,"

I was panting and my heart was beating so fast as I was so exhausted. I poured all my energy into that race to only get 2nd. Fran came over to congratulate me but I could tell that he was disappointed. William seemed happy that Raina won, he even gave her a high-five. Smiles on their faces kind of irritated me. I wanted to win, so badly and make everyone proud of me, for once.


" Oh my god! He's here, he's here! What's he doing here?" all the girls on campus squealed.

" It's Gabriel Houston, and Liam Adkins! Ngyahhhhh!" followed by more screaming.

"Where's all that screaming coming from?" asked Jane.

" Don't you know? Gabriel Houston from Edward's Colledge is here. Like HERE, in this very school. He even brought a really cute friend," Aileen was all hyped up.

" And who is he again?" Jane questioned.

"Oh my gosh, Jane! You really need to hang out with me more often, how can you not know the most popular teen in the entire country," Aileen was dumbfounded.

" By that, you are referring to?"

" Gabriel Houston, England's representative for the Junior Championships for the high jump event, to put it simply, a super good looking and hot athlete, for God's sake Jane! He even won gold for the high jump event, how can you not know," Aileen was even more dumbfounded this time.

" Well, I'm sorry, you know I'm not the most up-to-date girl," I apologized sarcastically.

On the other side...

Gabriel's POV

" Hey Gabriel, that girl's pretty cute,"

"Stop trying to hook me up with girls, can you at least behave yourself on school grounds? "

I was annoyed, all Liam had done this entire morning was spectating pretty girls, not the events.

" Stop being a pussy, I'm serious about this,"

"What did you just call me?" and I looked at the direction he was looking at and I paused, for a really long time.

" Ain't she a beauty?"

Liam was right, she was gorgeous. Maybe a bit lacking in height but he was right, she's beautiful.

" Oh look, that brunette girl's pretty cute too,"

"Wait, what? Weren't you referring to the brunette?" I was confused.

"NO, I was referring to the tall blonde with the long legs next to her, wait, you were checking out the brunette? She's a bit short for you, don't you think?"

"Yea, I thought you were talking about her, I think she was the petite girl we saw running just now," I told Liam.

"Maybe, anyways, I'm going to go talk to the blonde over there, if you want to join you're welcome to but if you don't want to then you can just stay here and watch all the events without me,"

Liam started heading away and I really had a huge urge to go with him. I have to at least be acquainted to that girl. I had to.

"No Gabriel! Stop it, chicks go after you, you don't go after them," I tried to stay rational.

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